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  Jan 2020 Michael Marro
maybe this was supposed to happen
maybe you were supposed to let me go
and I don't blame you--
my darkest deepest parts leaked out
into your broken hands and like
wine they stained--
some days I still feel like needing you
some days I feel at home--
written in the stars our heartbreaks
led us to each other
then led us both away--
I've erased your eyes and voice and tongue
(although I still remember your birth chart)
Michael Marro Jan 2020
The recipe called for a bitter herb
I thought of you - one tear will do
The recipe called for a salty note
I thought of you - two tears suffice
The recipe called for a sour squeeze
I thought of you - one tear is right
The recipe called for an umami tone
I thought of you - four tears stirred in
The recipe called for a touch of sweet
I thought of you - my recipe is incomplete.
Another thought that I've yet to develope properly.
  Jan 2020 Michael Marro
Empress Asa
Day by day I think about this..
Maybe I can accept this..

I just need close my eyes..
Let happens will be happened..

I just need close my eyes..
Feel what it needs to be done..

I just need close my eyes..
Let the time comes up..

I just need close my eyes..
Because you never come..

I just need close my eyes..
Let happens will happened..

I just need close my eyes..
Feel that sensation..

I just need close my eyes..
Because you didn't care..

I just need close my eyes..
Let happens will happened..
I just need close my eyes and feel it
  Jan 2020 Michael Marro
Falling in love with a poet  
is wanting to consume their words as sustenance
it’s wanting to swallow each letter for nourishment
it’s seeing yourself reflected in their stanzas
and making love to an iambic tempo
It’s falling in love with words
Michael Marro Jan 2020
If the thrill of the hunt sets you a'flame
I'd long to be the man to play your game
But I'm not a beast to be satisfied with just a bone
No "here's a scrap" now go on alone
I need a feast - your body, your mind
My cravings won't end with wrinkled sheets and a bottle of wine.
I want to devour you whole
Your spirit, your soul
And once I've stripped you down to your core,
Only then, my dear, will we start the chase once more.
This is a work in progress - still trying to find the right words to complete a grander thought.
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