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 Nov 2019 Micah G
Atop the green hill
Welcomed by glimmer of sea
Hugged by the warm breeze
Entertained by boats beyond
A time engraved in my heart.
 Nov 2019 Micah G
Anton Angelino
All planets lined up,
advantaging alignment,
and I work on trust.
 Nov 2019 Micah G
Robert D
 Nov 2019 Micah G
Robert D
Don't get too close
I said what I had to say
Knife blade razor sharp
My thoughts too dark and gray

No peace of mind
Storm brewing in my head
A gust of wind causing havoc
From my wrist is where I bled
 Nov 2019 Micah G
Some people come into your life
without a sound
but they create music
when they are around you,
never let them go.
 Nov 2019 Micah G
Matsuo Bashō
Oh bush warblers!
Now you've **** all over
my rice cake on the porch
 Nov 2019 Micah G
Matsuo Bashō
Following are several translations
of the 'Old Pond' poem, which may be
the most famous of all haiku:

Furuike ya
kawazu tobikomu
mizu no oto

        -- Basho

Literal Translation

Fu-ru (old) i-ke (pond) ya,
ka-wa-zu (frog) to-bi-ko-mu (jumping into)
mi-zu (water) no o-to (sound)

    The old pond--
a frog jumps in,
    sound of water.

Translated by Robert Hass

Old pond...
a frog jumps in
water's sound.

Translated by William J. Higginson

An old silent pond...
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.

Translated by Harry Behn

There is the old pond!
Lo, into it jumps a frog:
hark, water's music!

Translated by John Bryan

The silent old pond
a mirror of ancient calm,
a frog-leaps-in splash.

Translated by Dion O'Donnol

old pond
frog leaping

Translated by Cid Corman

Antic pond--
frantic frog jumps in--
gigantic sound.

Translated by Bernard Lionel Einbond


'Dere wasa dis frogg
Gone jumpa offa da logg
Now he inna bogg.'

        -- Anonymous

Translated by George M. Young, Jr.

Old pond
leap -- splash
a frog.

Translated by Lucien Stryck

The old pond,
A frog jumps in:.

Translated by Allan Watts

The old pond, yes, and
A frog is jumping into
The water, and splash.

Translated by G.S. Fraser
 Nov 2019 Micah G
Matsuo Bashō
Teeth sensitive to the sand
in salad greens--
    I'm getting old.
 Nov 2019 Micah G
Yosa Buson
His Holiness the Abbot
is *******
in the withered fields.
 Nov 2019 Micah G
Yosa Buson
Listening to the moon,
gazing at the croaking of frogs
in a field of ripe rice.
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