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  Sep 2019 Mel
Justyn Huang
I wish people were more like
Stop lights;
You’d never see one glowing
both red and green
Simultaneously, otherwise
there’d be a car crash

And neither would they turn
Completely off, cause then
No one would know how to proceed.

By all means — flirt with me.
But stop sending mixed signals.
Don’t you hate it when people send mixed signals?
Mel Sep 2019
Life isn't simple.

Nothing is ever easy.

When was it easy?
Who ever said anything was easy?
  Sep 2019 Mel
oUt Of sYNc
You're the Error 404
I keep getting
But I still refresh
  Sep 2019 Mel
oUt Of sYNc
Her canvas was drowning with blood;
As her paintbrush slices open her skin.
Paying the price for showing the world
her beautiful art from within.

She strokes her paintbrush in colours
Reflecting ripples of repetitive repulsion.
Her canvas covered with colours and
Succession of the glitters of her imagination.

She’s trying to escape, don’t you see
the struggle riddling her eyes?
She always hated her life but
you never realized what’s behind her lies.

Her mind was the most beautiful explosion
of vivacities through collision of galaxies.
The colours of her canvas masking her
tears from the ever growing mental atrocities.

This is the price she pays to show the world
The beauty of her mind.
For how can you write your beautiful poetry without the
Dark void of emptiness you feel inside.
she was my artist. WAS
  Sep 2019 Mel
oUt Of sYNc
You didn't make me
**** myself.
You made realize
I have nothing else
to live for.
Mel Sep 2019
Staring at a dark blue sky.

I stand there wondering why.

Why did you leave me all alone?

Leaving me to turn to stone.

Why did you suddenly leave?

God.. why do I have to be so naive?

Of course. You were never there.

Only there to stop and stare.

I was dumb to fall for your flair.

It wasn't fair. It ISN'T fair.

To used be for your entertainment.

Like I was just a temporary replacement.

Not anymore. Nothing will be the same.

I won't let you use me for your game.

It's my turn to be the bad guy.

And if I make you cry,

you'll know the reason why.
Has anyone made you feel this way?

If so, don't worry. You're not alone.
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