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  Jun 2018 Melanie
Third Eye Candy
My Solitaire is irascible in aspect. Just over the Hill there; I used to carve my initial conditions into a blank stare, or a block of omission. But now my stratagems soar far beyond the pondering of Loneliness. Even Abandon cannot fathom Me.

     I tend to orchids that have earthquake hearts and care for the waning moons in my terrarium of phantoms and glass apples. i anoint the chasm with vespers of Isolation that sparkle like a madness in phosphorus ecstasy. My books are Discreet.
I am their Shogan.
  Apr 2018 Melanie
It’s a funny thing
a single song
can send me
back into
my memory.

out there
a melody
from a movie
I saw as a kid,

I hear that song
and feel
a tinge of sadness
as tears
to make
an unwanted
cameo appearance.

The first time
I heard this
I was with
my mother
in a small house
for abused women.

out there
in the past
things got
really bad,

they were bad
for her,
but I was ok.
I did not have a clue
what we were
going through.

the pain
that jaded her
would become
my shadow cloak
to wear,
as I looked
for somewhere
out there
I would be free,
from her rage.

I never really
found that place,
but when I hear
that song,
I can recall
my mother
before the fall.

Even at
a cynical
a small part
of my heart
longs for
the loving mother
that was
somewhere out there
before those bad days.
Melanie Mar 2018
You bread fear and vulnerability
little by little you killed me
by intimidation
You thrived off of my instability; my humility
You thrived off me being vulnerable impaired
You left me haunted and scared

Drowning I couldn’t breathe air
Not fair
In my terror is when I found my faith that the devil is real
I was so scared
I was alone falling unsure and naive
I was innocent and unaware
You violated me
The way I looked at the world
The way I perceived it
The way I perceive people
The feeling of safety
Empathy compassion
Love control

Youleft me ruined shattered
You battered disrespected degraded and
And   disregarded my spirit
You denied my feelings my thoughts my beliefs my request  my despair
because remember, feeling isnt fair
My willingness to make love not war
  Mar 2018 Melanie
there was never much left for me to say,
insofar as I didn't know how to articulate it or,
if I did, I no longer possessed the energy to do so.

Hope comes stranded, like a helium balloon
left to wander the skies once released
at a city parade.

A child not yet wise to the knowledge
that helium
is lighter
than air
imagines she can let go
to weave her little shoes
into secure knots with
both hands,
so by the time she looks up to find this renegade bulb,
it's nothing more than one of what could be
ninety-nine red balloons
floating in the summer sky.

In this sense,
it could be said hope comes
from all angles,
regardless of whether this
little drip of serendipity
is gifted by accident,
simple curiosity.

Existence always hurts.
But it's our challenge to choose
how it hurts:
will it be a chronic sickness unto death,
inspiring moroseness and jaded apathy?
Or will it feel like gym pain,
as if liquid gold has pooled
into every open crevice
of bone marrow
so the ache is nothing
friendly reminder
of our living vitality
through having
the body,
and soul
in satisfaction?
"The opposite of depression isn't happiness, it's vitality."
  Mar 2018 Melanie
kayla eggfoot
I awaken to find my mind either a complete blur, a fuzzy, foggy place, or a place of a maelstrom of thoughts, ideas, and emotions, some from the previous day, some from even before that. Electrifying anxiety, paralyzing fear, crippling doubt and depression are the orders of the day, when I fully awaken. I eat, then take my pills, to get my thoughts in some semblence of order. I go through the day, feeling trapped by problems my medications cannot control. I find myself either blaming everything and everyone else for said problems, or ripping out my own entrails as I blame myself - one extreme or another. I have visions, dreams, hopes of success, but then my depression, or whatever it is, kicks in, and wipes out those dreams, reducing me to a mess of shattered hopes and dreams. This is why I spend most of my days on tumblr, where people see me for who I am, but even there, people judge and discriminate against me, for whatever I have. On tumblr, I have friends that I roleplay out various characters with, different personalities, sometimes variations of myself take shape. Tumblr is the only place where I can seemingly have a reality in which I have control. The Internet is my portal to reality, my line of defense against what could be described as agoraphobia. But I still desire the company of people my own age, physically, rather than electronically, but I do not have the same interests of most of them, and am scared to death of doing so. The very thought of meeting a large group, or even an individual, sends me into a panic attack-like state, then I fall quickly into a state of depression because of that. I hate myself for that anxiety, the awkwardness I have. Loathe is the correct word. This is why I hide behind a computer screen. It may not be perfect, but I find it easier to interact online. I do not know how to translate how my characters act to my own actions, as some have suggested for me to do. I have been told that I need to choose to get out of this hole in which I am trapped. It is a struggle every day to even get enough energy to care, much less try to get out of the hole. The only way out is by climbing a steep cliff, covered by snow and ice, cut by the howling, bone-chilling wind, with only two hooks, in my hands, to claw my way out, fighting the falling snow and ice, occasional rock and hail, sleet too. There seems to be no place to make a camp, where I may rest, only the long, arduous, grueling climb, my vertical trek, my seemingly Sisyphean task that awaits me. A choice that may seemingly **** me. People have suggested that I turn to the supernatural, but that is a fool’s bet, a folly of hope, a wish of the people who build their castles in the sky.
A poem that I wrote in the hospital over a year ago
  Feb 2018 Melanie
Mercy B
There is a storm steadily growing with in me and with unnerving persistence it chips away at the enclosure where my demons hide.

Like massive thunder claps memories bang around my inner fortress, scattering in all directions, flawlessly painful for there are no rules in which they must abide.

Comparable to the intensity of a white hot lightning streak intrusive thoughts flash throughout my mind, I become momentarily blind from the wicked radiance continuously antagonizing me.

I use my tear stained pillow case to shelter my face from the rainfall of sadness in an attempt to forget, but I soon realize that ignored this storm simply will not be.

My spirit resembles the broken branches lying in chaos in the aftermath of a tornado, they will never be whole again but from which they came may still have a chance .

Be strong I tell myself, while in the corner I quietly quiver, you must whether this storm  and never back down, how can I convince myself when I know it is just the same old song and dance.
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