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12.1k · May 2014
The school that killed poetry
Meggghanq1 May 2014
So many misinterpreted metaphors
make me cringe
''are you trying to ruin poetry for everyone''
but I hide my damp eyes behind my fringe
because I mustn't argue and my teachers are never wrong
They sing without a meaning or lyric in their song
we are taught to write what they want to hear
not the truth we feel inside our hopes and fears

But i must turn the other cheek
to get my degree I need..when home I ponder, I weep
because it was the school that killed poetry
for many of my peers..
But all is not lost..wipe away those tears
Grab the pen that feels ethical
the paper that doesn't deceive, doesn't lie
and write a poem that you can feel
you'll get out of school alive
(You know who you are who started this haha!)..Don't get me wrong I love teachers in general..I plan on becoming an awesome one someday too :)
9.3k · Jul 2014
Meggghanq1 Jul 2014
Relationships are like an icecream.
They start off light and sweet,
They fill the hungry empty part of you.
You feel light and really do.
Then it gets harder and the sweetness starts to fade.
THEN IT'S GONE, he's gone
I wish he stayed.
8.0k · May 2014
Counting fingers joined
Meggghanq1 May 2014
1 eyes meet
2 a smile
3 bubbly conversation
4 hang out for a while
5 no sleeping we're on the phone
6 just when things seem reply
7 suddenly feel alone
8 cry
9 move on with time
10 another pair meet mine
Any ideas for titles?
2.9k · Apr 2014
Meggghanq1 Apr 2014
When her eyes sparkle does it make mine seem dim
deep into your eyes I swim
deeper and deeper
trying to find a trace
a crack of weakness where you drop the armour and let me read your face
But you remain forevermore unreadable like a book in a language unknown to me,
for others girls to read and decode what you are thinking inside, the world that you see

So I take my thoughts from your eyes, take out my paper and try to solve the puzzle that is you but end up **rhyming yet again.
I  hope i'm using the word ambiguous right please correct me if i'm wrong
Meggghanq1 Aug 2014
You are not perfect but you are beautiful,
Not everyone will see that beauty, but it's there,
You don't need to cover it up with makeup.
You don't need short clothes or alcohol to be a fun person.

Your body may be too big in places and too small in others
but at least you have one.
Not everyone will like you but you are still awesome.
Chose to be with the ones who do.

Your sole purpose to exist is not to please or pleasure anyone,
If you know deep down you should, just leave.
Listen to the little voice in your head it can often be very wise.

Help everyone you can, you might need their help another day.
Don't forget your values, your inspirations.
Don't forget why you chose certain roads.

If someone hurts you; say it,
If you appreciate someone; tell them,
They won't be here for ever.
Speak up for what you believe in.
Do the things you always said you would.
Reflect but don't forget to keep moving forward.

Be yourself even if you haven't figured who she is yet. ^.^
1.8k · May 2014
I feed on loyalty
Meggghanq1 May 2014
Your lies were the water I needed
For the plants I had seeded
In the depths of my larynx
Because you had all the words I could've wanted
which at the time seemed undaunted
But seeds need sunlight too
so this love never grew...
Meggghanq1 May 2017
When** you haven't written poetry in a while
try not to stress, you can do that anyway,
try to just express what you want to say.
Ditch the mask, the smile
if you're feeling distraught
don't ignore the thought.

Let it all out,
run and scream and shout.

Sometimes you're not okay,
but that really is okay.
I'm just hear to say
it's okay where you're at today.
Read the bold :)
1.5k · May 2014
Stepping stones 11w
Meggghanq1 May 2014
That one step forward took me 3 steps back from you
Stepping stones or stepping on mines?
1.1k · May 2017
What if I care too much?
Meggghanq1 May 2017
'What if I care more than everyone?' she asked.
'What if I have more feelings?'
'What if I feel pain more deeply?'
'What if I put my heart in completely?'
'What if no-one cares or listens?'

'What really matters anyways?'

But no-one answers...
1.1k · Dec 2014
Dear The Girl Who Loved You
Meggghanq1 Dec 2014
You words tell of hurt and loss
But the way you write is so much more.

You fill hello poetry with your thoughts and concerns
You open up and leave yourself raw

Your writing is quite beautiful,
Never the same, never cliche, you write what's real to you

So I want to take this time to appreciate your words.
with a few words of mine as I try to sum up how awesome you and your poetry is.

In your poem Backwards I thought it was really clever how the story is told from the bottom. I hope you realise that you don't need to be fixed you are you, you are real and that should be good enough for everybody else.

In your poem Beyond Repair I love the short simple lines that make it all the more meaningful and I like how I think I can relate to how you were feeling when writing this.

To sum it all up you really bring colour to hello poetry with your poems and I hope you keep writing and that I will see you get better and better.
Really everyone she's great look at her work :)
1.1k · May 2014
Meggghanq1 May 2014
All the words you and your shallow mind can think of
Wont make up for the disloyalty you stink of!
Meggghanq1 May 2014
A good poem is like a good sandwich

the layers are the lines that if not ordered right
would not rhyme and you wouldn't take a bite

The toppings are the words
alone are insignificant
but together make something magnificent
so rich with hidden messages and meanings
another way to eat your feelings

The sauce is the bit added hesitantly
because you're not sure how it is connected
these flavours you've perfected
and you hope the pieces all add together
to make your piece of art for you to munch
your rhyming lunch
I'm hungry if you didn't guess haha..Anyone notice the bold?:)
Meggghanq1 Aug 2014
I will let you win this arm wrestle
So that I can win your heart
Girls are meant to be pretty
Girls shouldn't be too smart
Because boys are meant to be strong,
Only girls can be weak.
Isn't this what you've heard since before you could speak?
But does being female have anything to do with wearing pink?
Why isn't it okay for him to shed a tear?
This is becoming a cycle I fear!
Meggghanq1 Dec 2014
Step 1: Find a boy/girl
Step 2: Fall very deep
Step 3: Get rejected (Like a boss;)
Step 4: Cry very sad tears
Step 5: Pour out your soul into a poem
(Maybe not a very professional poem but at least it's real)
Step 6: Post on hello poetry
* 7: Get a few hearts
* 8: Poem goes trending
* 9: Cry very very happy tears
Step 10: Find a new boy/girl etc etc
* If you are really really lucky!
Watch -like a boss by lonely islands- i like this one :)
Meggghanq1 Dec 2014
It's not the talking that hurts me
It's not her giggles
It's not the walking with that hurts me
It's not how she looks at you,
I don't mind with who you talk,
Or along whose side you walk,
I just want you to be happy.
It hurts to know
That she is much prettier,
Much more interesting,
Not as needy,
Not crazy
It hurts to think you could fall for her instead.
So i'll just trip you tomorrow and hope for the best!
801 · May 2014
Feeling less
Meggghanq1 May 2014
Eyelids get heavy as i reload the messages for the thousandth time
When will i get that he doesn't feel like i do
hanging onto every word like a baby it's shoe
every few minutes falling needing to be picked up again
feeling as helpless and useless as without my pen
well maybe all is not lost
he never said it was
I shouldn't over think everything he does
trying to read the signs
when really i'm blind
without a clue how he feels
so i put on my heels
swap my jeans for a dress
and wait for someone to make me less
I am whatever they want because I amn't enough for him
Pathetically in my tears later I will swim.
The contrast between my last poem and this appears quite bipolar but i've not gone crazy I swear (fingers crossed^.^) not that people who are bipolar are crazy..just me :)
762 · May 2014
Meggghanq1 May 2014
You are not that mistake you made.
Your heart and soul can't, like fat be weighed.
You aren't what that boy said,
He's not worth the tears you shed.
You aren't what anyone else thinks or believes
You don't need any hearts on any sleeves.
You are words you write,
the ones that come from deep inside, an dark and lonely nights
You are not only the deep sad thoughts
but the happy ones too
you know who you are..that's the real **you
Bold;) I don't know where this one came from but here !! be narcissistic for once! :)
730 · Apr 2014
Who Is Everybody
Meggghanq1 Apr 2014
Who decides who is cool,
Who is hot
who is attractive and who is not

Everybody thinks that girl is awkward
Everybody thinks that guy is cute
Who is this everybody we're so loyal to,
everything everybody does we just follow suit

Well if nobody is everybody
then everybody is no one
Then why are we doing what no one thinks will be best!
Ohh this life is such a mess!!

I just fear we all try to do what everybody thinks is normal and cool
when really we design this everybody we seem to live for..
Who will be everybody..Will anybody..who'll...?
Sorry, pretty rough poem but anyways hope you like it all the same:)<3
661 · May 2014
10 words!
Meggghanq1 May 2014
             we need
                  to be happy,

   I ask...
My first tenner:)
649 · May 2014
Another poem for you
Meggghanq1 May 2014
You were** the smile at my phone
the reason my voice became a higher tone
you were the sugar in my tea

you were the reason i write poetry
to express my love, freely

Now i wince at every beep
and *my tea is no longer sweet.
Meggghanq1 Jan 2015
We take off our armour, take off our makeup
and we lie in bed.

We are defenceless and real.
Real to feel what we really feel.
We are raw,
We have nothing to distract us from ourselves.

What do you think of when you lie there?
Do pass through your thoughts anywhere?
Maybe I have thought of you, not only you,
But you're one of the many pages of my books.

Maybe i think too much and sleep not enough
but i do try to understand why your smile
crosses my mind when my armour's off
Meggghanq1 May 2014
Is there a kiss for every tear
Is there a happy ending for every fear
Is there laughter for every cry
Is there a prayer for all who died

Is there somebody for everybody to love
Is there somebody for me to love
Is there a ewe for every ram
Is there turkey for every ham
Who loved the turkey when he died
Who kissed the ram when he cried

The thing is 100 kisses won't get rid of all the tears
100 hugs won't make you smile my dear
There are plenty of fish in the sea
But i'm deep in the country
Drowning the tears
while the fish need water to survive
I don't need either do I..?
620 · May 2014
Sleepy thoughts
Meggghanq1 May 2014
When** sleep won't reach you
The night tries to teach you
How much you really appreciate
The sounds that your family makes
They fill up the empty spaces
in my heart and the house
So that i'm not left with only my broken heart and the company of a mouse

The silence seems to scream
which makes me want to
anything to make me feel less alone
Any noise, a snore or a groan

Would be better than this
Will i wake them if i ****..?
These middle of the night poems mightn't sound so great in the morning so sorry if you took the time to read this..<3 bolddddd
Meggghanq1 Nov 2015
Don't wait for him to bring you flowers
Dig up wherever ground you have
And create the garden of your dreams
You are in control of the colours
So make them bright
Pick ones that smell nothing like the cologne he always wears
None that could possible remind you of him
Plant your own flowers
He mightn't ever bring you some
586 · Jul 2015
Meggghanq1 Jul 2015
You are the shark that tears me to bits
the ***** hairbrush that gives me nits

You are the liquid running down my cheeks
you are the my breaking after my confidence peaks
535 · Nov 2014
Read my book :)
Meggghanq1 Nov 2014
No matter how much of an open book you are
people will still read what others wrote on your back.
They don't see the scars there or the pain you felt
No they are hidden beneath this leather
They only see the number of stars you've been given
Not the the real world you live in.

So please, do this for me
I won't even make you open my book,
I just ask for a non-judgemental look.
A moment for you to rest your mouth
And learn what i'm really about.
Bold guyssss :)
Meggghanq1 Jan 2015
He shines** like the sun
Most vibrant when few are watching

I should have rose early more frequently
because i wasn't alone in seeing his beauty

Those hours I lay in bed waiting for the sun to shine for me
I should've been out i should've climbed the highest tree
and gave my ultimate attention
Ignored the world's tension.

Now there's a wall that blocks my colours
And my world is to become a whole lot duller.
Bold :)
Meggghanq1 May 2014
Love can't cultivate alone,
With two seeds it can be grown
Into a beautiful fruit tree
Of any type of fruit you let it be.
But if a seed was rotten with treason
the fruit could soon be turned to poison
The hurt, poisoned apple could be taken in
thinking that all could turn out fine
but the core will never lose the poison
no matter how pure the outside is
and the new found lover,
will soon discover
that this is a bruised apple
only to be left to rot,
no tying of knots
because this fruit is ruined
for now and forever
it seems like the end
until another comes seeing the potential
of this fruit left to decay
knows better than to betray
so the fruit is taken and is added to a beautiful ****
and she will be forever in his heart.
This was quite a rambly one and treason and poison don't really rhyme but well I liked the metaphors I made up all the same :)
509 · May 2016
Just run off your fear
Meggghanq1 May 2016
Run and run and run
Somewhere, anywhere, just move
until your skin is hot and your heart is beating. For you though,
You've nothing to prove.

Let the pain out in the sweat that pours down your face,
instead of tears.
Don't think about what you said or should've said or any of your fears.

Uncrumple, unroll yourself out of your ball of paper,
make it is wide open as you're able
Stand up on your own two feet now good and stable.

Next start to move a little,
jog if that's all you can

now just run off your fear

Look how far you've come:
All the clothes you were too afraid to wear,
All the opinions you were too afraid to share.

It's okay my dear,
just run off the fear.
Read the bold :) first poem in a while hope you like it!
495 · Jan 2015
Meggghanq1 Jan 2015
You're the water slipping through my hands,
to quench someone elses thirst,
my lips start to crack
enough of this flirtation
feed my dehydration
494 · Mar 2015
Meggghanq1 Mar 2015
I** wish you didn't see ugly when you looked at me.
I'm so sorry I am the cause of your damp eyes.
I want to help I really do.
How can I tell you that although i'm completely honest
it's your eyes that lie. The tears tears cloud your vision.

I'll explain;
I see the whole picture, I  must focus on every detail. I dont mean to or necessarily like it this way but I do. I can't ignore anything that is there. Really, I just do my best to be fair.

You look too close at your reflection,
ignoring the beauty seeking ''perfection''
I become cloudy and then wait for the the water droplets
or lightning to break me.

I look when you can close your eyes, I stay focused as you dream of colourful skies. Well my eyes are hot lightning from all the storms.
I don't mean to start them I swear I don't. It's not easy for me remember.
I am without the ability to console.

So next time you see me how about a smile, reflect your inner pretty soul. not a stare, eye contact is tiresome, not for too long
just a smile and move along.
Let's go all inner pretty:)
492 · Mar 2015
Meggghanq1 Mar 2015
It's not a feeling,
It's in your imagination.
Maybe it's that top,
Maybe you've been ditching the gym,
Maybe your coco could do with a skim.
But today, tomorrow, next christmas, in the morning;
You are beautiful and should be happy in you.
Fat is not a feeling.
Even if it was
Feelings are temporary just like weight.
Remember you weigh less in space anyways.
489 · May 2014
My poetry
Meggghanq1 May 2014
How* many tags would I put
how many rhymes would I cut
To see my poem trending
Feel my heart mending because
Poetry makes me happy*
Poetry lets me express
What you feel without becoming a *tearstained mess
482 · Jul 2014
Slipping and falling
Meggghanq1 Jul 2014
I** didnt plan when to fall in love with you
I slipped into it;
down the icy cold path to you
But even though sometimes chilly, it is worth it
When I feel the warmth of your arms around me
when nothing but thoughts of you surround me
Keeping me warm on cold nights.

But those cozy moments one day must must come to an end
When I come to my senses and realise to you it was pretend
It doesnt matter what I say now
So instead I toss and turn with the heat of this season
When he's played me like his xbox for his own stupid reasons.
Hey guys :) I'm sorry I know the first bit is like the daily poem but I loved the slipping into love thing. And yes I did just make summer bad and the cold winter the good part haha! **bollldddd**
459 · Dec 2014
Meggghanq1 Dec 2014
Beauty is a strange thing,
We search and beg
Through airbrushes and lies
Trying to be an impossible beautiful
That doesn't exist.

That doesn't stop the
disappointed tears that roll down his
plump cheeks and second chin
that makes him somehow less
Worthy than a model with one.

That doesn't stop the girl
whose reflection deceives her
down to skin and bone
because that is what is beautiful,
What is attractive,

But stop, please stop,
Beauty is the smile that lights up your eyes,
Beauty is the way you helped him,
Beauty is your expression through art,
Your encouragement,
Your humour,
Your strong mind,
Your good heart,

Beauty is you.
453 · May 2014
Meggghanq1 May 2014
What if his hand I never hold?
What if them three words I'm never told?
What if he will never be mine?
What if I am wasting my time?
Maybe he sees someone as I see him
Through misinterpreted signals I swim
Further and further into this daze
His heart the treasure and his words a maze
So I run as quick as my tired legs will go
Oh how did I ever sink this low?
452 · Jan 2015
Meggghanq1 Jan 2015
I hope you smile so wide your face hurts,
I hope you laugh until you can't breath
I hope you feel the bubbles that I feel

Maybe if we all felt good more the world
would be a better place
Well i've heard it's contagious
Try and fit a smile onto your face
Best day ever! Ahhhhhhhhh :D I did it!!
450 · Aug 2014
Let's just sink..
Meggghanq1 Aug 2014
When you're sitting beside me
I can't help but want to press my shoulder into yours just to see
If you'll notice how I like to touch you,
I want our shoulders to create so much heat that it makes everyone else blush,
I just want to say soppy words until we turn to mush
and sink down so deep, that their is no time for air,
Breathless oblivious to the mad world around,
Too naive to realise that our mouths must disconnect,
Or we will collapse from lack of breath,
But it's better than drowning in your own tears,
and much better than making your throat sear..
449 · Nov 2015
How are you?
Meggghanq1 Nov 2015
What is okay?
Is it really a thing?
Are we ever really okay
Or are we just distracting ourselves from our hurt
There's something not okay with you and there's something not okay with me
But that's okay
I think
Maybe if we focus on others hurts
We can forget about ours for a while
Maybe i can smile for a while
Maybe i'm not doing okay

It's so much easier to say okay
Than to explain everything
Which maybe is nothing to explain at all i comparison I other peoples 'unokeyness'
Maybe it's just a bad day
Maybe I am okay
439 · Dec 2014
Still didn't say
Meggghanq1 Dec 2014
It's not your fault I never said anything
that would even slightly display the way
I've been feeling toward you,
It's not your fault I didn't say..

You don't owe me any thoughts
or even any loyalty,
how would you think otherwise,
It's not your fault I didn't say..

But this is me writing to you
Telling you
That I think you're pretty sweet,
That I adore your company,
That I want to spend more of my time with you,
That I get jealous when you talk to her more than me,
That I want to hang out at 2, Saturday,
That it's not your fault you don't know,
It's not your fault I still didn't say.
433 · May 2014
Yeah, I do but..
Meggghanq1 May 2014
Yeah, I do..
talk to him too
But.. it's nowhere the same as with you
Yeah, I do see him but.. I don't watch as closely every breath he takes
Yeah, I do listen to him but.. But don't scrutinise every face he makes

Yeah, I do say hello but.. I don't lose sleep at night over what he said
Yeah, He does reply but.. He isn't for ever trapped in my head

That's you and only you
You have nothing at all  to prove

You are strong enough
You are man enough
**You are E N O U G H for me
Yep another poem for the abstruse him..Don't mean to bore  you all to death!
413 · May 2015
Meggghanq1 May 2015
Have you ever seen a picture in an art gallery under a blown bulb
Ever felt like that light over your head
Instead of making your life brighter
Was dulling your colours.

You just want to steal others lights
aim it toward yourself
but that wouldn't be fair
to take their light because you have none there.

Get up go to a shop and buy a new bulb
Display your lines and emotions
that are already on your canvas
Dump that cloud over your head and get another light to shine on you
412 · May 2014
What is real beauty? 11w
Meggghanq1 May 2014
The mirror lies..
your heart does not..
you're beautiful inside

I just think everyone is stressing too much about how they look that they should just stop..I would like to think that the world would be a better place if people worried as much about who they are inside as they did about their mascara running..
403 · Nov 2014
Leading you
Meggghanq1 Nov 2014
Maybe I'm just bored

Maybe I'm just lonely

I don't want to hurt you

I don't want to lose you

holding on to your sweet words like holding my fingers on the chords..hurts one part but builds up the other.

Can both sides of a stick burn equally
Or does one side dampen smoke
While the other burns red
The red in all of us that smokes others in our lives.

Can we ever both love equal or will one always care more?
Will one always be half way out the door?
399 · May 2015
Meggghanq1 May 2015
I miss that laugh you do when you say something silly
and regret it after
I miss when you check my reaction to what you're saying
and mirror it
I miss how you play argue about anything i say
I miss you looking to me first
I miss being your shoulder
I miss when we talked every day
I miss you starting the conversation
I miss you
396 · May 2014
Abstruseness 15w
Meggghanq1 May 2014
Which is     more scary;
  him loving her or the possibility
that he could
   like me..?
391 · May 2015
Meggghanq1 May 2015
It hurts to keep moving forward
But backwards is unbearable
you got this
391 · Aug 2014
Meggghanq1 Aug 2014
Feeling so little
Short i may be
In case you were wondering 5, 3
But's it's my mind that feels so small
when I can't help but recall,
how you never want to talk to me.
389 · Aug 2014
Alone is better company
Meggghanq1 Aug 2014
Sometimes words do hurt
and stones build houses.

Sometimes words do break me
and sticks keep me warm.

Sometimes kisses aren't soothing
and being alone is better company.
389 · Mar 2014
The thinks..
Meggghanq1 Mar 2014
What does he think when he thinks of me,
Does he wonder if i think of him,
Does he think of me at all
I must stop thinking so grim
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