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Allan Mzyece
M    Elixir of immortality
40/M/Iraq    Poetry was invented in the Middle East
20/F/Somewhere at Sea   
Eric W
F    Traveler through the space of time, a traveler through the pages of a book.
60/M/New Malaysia    If you find my writing offensive or awful please let me know. If you find it enjoyable or inspiring please spread it around
M/London UK    Beauty is pure. The idea is to be pure too, to see it through! ...Enjoy on my pages some of the top reads poems on …
ugly poetry
22/F/Zimbabwe    lost my script so l changed the plot My only true safe haven
M/Egypt    I am a writer and have several; blogs at Google. I have also several books at Amazon, Lulu, and kobo. They are for children and …
22/F    On land , at sea or in the air.
a rainy place    Here is a piece of my mind, my heart, my soul. I don’t typically share such intimate things with such honesty, so enjoy the journey, …
23/F/Texas    Save a horse, love a poet I post my poetry on my Instagram as well @pyrrha_the_poet
30/F/Philippines    Someday you will find me..

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