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Marya123 Mar 2017
There are times
When one is forced to be
An open book.

With all the grimy pages revealed
The hidden truths seen
The lies discovered
That can even shock the owner.

Now how can I close this book
Without tearing out the leaves
Mending it in place
And attempt to rewrite it?

Or if I make a new one
With fresh paper sheets
Do I abandon my old novel
Discreetly for eternity?
Marya123 Mar 2017
I don't remember much of it before
The time I was without sense on the floor
Struck dumb and blind beneath a clear sky
Watching clouds go by, watching the birds fly.
Then came a tornado calling itself life
Swept me away and stabbed with its cruel knife
I writhed in agony, frantic and sad
I was depressed since, never was I glad.
To some logs I held as fast as I could
They broke away-as Fate thought they should.
But then you came along, in pain as well
Grasping in dread through a personal hell
A similar storm chasing you away
You didn't know whether to run or to stay
Somehow our paths aligned- I could not see
How this union would mean less misery.
We still held hands and bore down the tempest
Striving for something that meant more than the rest
Undefinable, which was above words
In spite of the countless poems it spurred.
I don't know as yet, if we'll ever win
If it'll be worth all the forgotten sins...
I'm so blessed it's your voice I hear
When I'm overwhelmed with some petty fear
So it anchors me to the here and now
Marvelling in this happiness bestowed.
As you give to me, I try my best to give
As much of myself as I hope to live
A small gift in this prison-house of pain
One I hope never to search for again.
In the end we're just a couple of souls
Barging unknowingly towards our goals
Yet the string between us is stretched so tight
It will never tear, even as we fight.
I'm the best sceptic you can ever find
But I'm a fool with you, stating love's blind
Doing things beyond my wildest dreams
An unlikely pair making a good team.
But time does go on, and people do change
I like myself with you- I know, it's strange.
This illusion works, cliché as it sounds
Somehow constant as the world goes around.
We try to find our new infinity
As old ones die, gripping reality
We're insignificant specks in this fire
Floating away as we spin up higher
Where all shall we go? What all can we do?
Answers I love to find, each day, with you.
What I think romantic love is. Inspired by characters in books and movies and TV shows... the list goes on. Real life is a bore.
Marya123 Mar 2017
How do people keep on trying
As though their hearts aren't broken
With every rejection, each no?
We just can't control what'll happen
We wait for tides to ebb and flow
Knowing fully well we're only boats
Impatient pawns on a chess board
In a horrid storm that only grows.
Waiting listlessly for an end
Confiding in foes and secret friends
Now I'm entirely at a loss
Which of my coins will Fate toss?
Or will it even try something
Has it given up on me too?
Just as I've lost hope in myself
I know what's false, but what is true?
Giving up and losing hope.
Marya123 Mar 2017
Stop bugging me as I sleep!
You plague me with weird dreams
You confuse with random thoughts
You leave me dazed as I wake.
Get away from me, you creep!
Everything's not as it seems
You tangle my brain in knots
Were you born as a mistake?
(Though at times you make me weep;
In nightmares I'm made to scream)
I guess you've taught me a lot
You are my glue when I break.
When I'm too afraid to leap
When all's dull, and nothing gleams
As I escape to your spot
You make me smile as I ache.
Marya123 Mar 2017
I'm a humble piece of bread
Searching for your toasty arms.
When I find you, as I wait
Keep me safe, happy and warm.
Don't burn me to a thin crisp
Don't neglect me to be cold
Savour the balance of the two
As I love you till we're old.
I'll return the favour all day
As you transform to a slice
And I become your oven
In our own quaint paradise.
Marya123 Feb 2017
I'm not particularly wonderful.
I can't enhance one's reality
I'm penned by a bored and wilful writer
I don't have a distinct quality.

I may have rhyme, rhythm, or I may not
I may be emotional, or dreary
I'm a work of language, of random words
I may be soothing, I may be scary.

Some of you say I'm one of a kind,
Some of you aren't sure where I'm from,
Some believe I exist for a reason,
Some reckon I'm remarkably dumb.

You may think I'm an exhibitionist
I'm not aware, I can't care what you say
But I love being read, when your eyes see me-
Insignificant, but it makes my day.
What I imagine a poem would think., that incidentally coincided with my own thoughts. Hope you enjoy reading!
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