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Rhona Oct 2014
There's so many drugs out there,
****, Crystal, Coke, ******, Shrooms, Acid . . .
And many more.
I ended up choosing the worst.
Y o u.
There's no rehab for you,
There's no withdrawal from you.
You're an exact drug.
I tell people I'm not thinking about you,
But I am .
I tell people I don't miss you,
But I do .
I tell people I don't need you,
Oh but I do.
You make me feel the best high when I'm around,
Happiness like no other.
You set off dopamine in my brain,
You make it sky rocket.
I'm so addicted.
You're worst than a drug.
You talk, walk, feel, react, think;
You're a person.
And I can't go to my nearest dealer to get you.
You're unobtainable,
And like an addict to me you're irreplaceable.
I wish you were any other drug,
So I could get you quickly and be satisfied.
But you're a person,
I can't have you as I please.
So please don't haunt me anymore,
Because I'm an addict and you're all I need.
Rhona Oct 2014
Have you ever sat there and thought,
"He's not mine anymore."
Does that make you sad?
Imagining things that you guys did together,
He's now doing with someone else.
Maybe he was never yours.
Maybe it was just a period he had.
Maybe you were part of that period.
And now that period is over.
Does it leave you bitter inside?
Do you still long for him?
Do you still feel like he's what you need?
Does he even remember who you are?
I bet you he ******* doesn't.
I bet you're just some chick who he was with.
Maybe you guys had *** that's all he remembers.
He doesn't remember you made him feel.
He just remembers "Bro I hit that".
In his eyes you're an insignificant object.
And in your eyes he was who you were in love with.
So why continue to love him?
For it to hurt more?
Do you want to continue feeling pain, For someone who might not even remember your name?
Just let go, let go.
Because one day he'll remember your name,
He'll realize what he felt was love.
And now you won't care.
It's like an endless cycle all over again.
Rhona Oct 2014
A .
I can still feel your sweet kisses on my lips,
I can see the lids of your eyes closed.
Such passion in your kisses,
As if you had waited years for my lips.
Your hand caressing my cheek,
Such sweet tenderness.
We laid down and indulged in the pleasure of our lips.
Then you pulled away,
Stared at me in a way.
That I had never been stared at before.
All while grabbing my hand and tenderly kissing it.
I miss it.
We were in perfect sync.
Our bodies moved and nothing was retained.
We needed each other.
My mouth grew hungry for your kisses,
You didn't stop either.
I have never felt such feelings when I kiss someone,
Your are the only one.
You make me feel like my body is elevated,
Traveling over me and looking at the beautiful scenery.
I long for you,
I've tried to feel how I feel with you .
But I can't my heart hurts when I try.
My heart belongs to you,
And it's been that way all along.
I was blind to not see where it belonged.
You hate me,
Despise me.
And I'm stuck with this feeling that kills my heart.
It makes me cry.
Why do you kiss me with such passion?
Is it payback?
Is it a lie?
No it isn't a lie,
You can't lie that connection we have,
Those looks you gave me,
It wasn't rehearsed .
Are you punishing me?
Don't punish me , I wouldn't hurt you.
Not again.
It's hard to believe but I really wouldn't.
I always thought of you,
I looked for you.
Now that I found you,
And had you.
You seem to let me go.
Rhona Oct 2014
I am a princess.
You pay for my time and ask for nothing in return.
I sit and stare at all the people dancing.
I'm pretty next to you.
I am a princess.
Some dance, some don't.
They just want to talk .
They just need someone to show off.
Some twirl me and guide my step.
Others just stare "all you can eat buffet"
Pretty girls, sad lives.
That's my story.
Getting pretty to be called on.
And once they call its showtime.
I am a princess in that club.
Rhona Oct 2014
All i wanted was him
I wanted every single one of his cells.
Every imperfection , I would have accepted.
I would have never made him feel neglected.
I want to hold him in my arms and kiss him .
I want to feel his touch caressing me down my bare back.
I want to feel his body on my own .
I want to make his body my own .
Intertwine our thoughts, and pleasures in one blissful rhythm.
I want to feel the wetness of his tongue on my own.
Caressing its way down through my mouth .
I want to feel his soft pleasuring lips on my own moving in sync.
I long for his touches on my thighs grabbing nervously .
I need his hard ******* on my leg .
I need his hands caressing my ******* slowly, and making his way to my stomach.
I need his lips on my neck , kissing me.  
I want to feel him inside of me.
I want his moans to be in my ear.
I want an I love you even if it's just for the moment.
I want him to be in control on top of me ; folding and turning me how he wants me.
I want him to tell me how much it pleases him to be inside of me.
I want his long soft hair hitting my face as he thrusts harder.
I want to kiss every inch in his body .
I want to make him feel loved .
I want to make love to him.
He's everything I need,
He's the only thing that'll quench my thirst .
He's what I long for.
He's the only guy I see all the others are worthless compared to him.
I can't stand anyone touching me if it isn't him .
And if they do I imagine him .
He's what I want, and I've known that all my life.
I've looked for him in other guys for ages.
No one can compare to the feeling he makes me feel.
When in reality he's the perfect one.
I need him .
I want him .

— The End —