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fighting with
my entire being.
Maybe because I have
never really been in a fight
just observed my parents, my
friends, everyone around me and
watched as the tension built and built
and built making me feel as small as a child
and as powerless too. People don’t understand
the consequences of their actions, I don’t understand
people. But, I understand fights. Words are like slingshots
catapulting friendships into dangerous territories the words you
say sometimes you mean them, sometimes you don’t and it’s the
words you mean that are the worst. Those are the words you can’t
take back.  And what I understand about fights taught me this. A fight
is like a symphony it builds and builds until its deafeningly loud, and then
its quiet, and there is nothing left leaving its audience unbearably sad and at a
I wrote this poem for a class when I was asked to write about tension. My teacher hated it but I hope you like it.
 Sep 2014 Hayleigh
even if these thoughts
are Compromised,
does it matter?
they feel real
just like they could
win the War
and change everything
as we know it

The Head of Radio
has died.
Video Queen
has taken over
the Transmissions
but our brainwaves
remain saved
for now

The Truth,
persevered in tar
far from the nearest star
dormant for centuries
it's revived with
the latest specific scientific
on saving the world

The Truth
it swirled and twirled inside
you hurled at the thought
the Compromised thought,
that you're alone

patrol the outskirts
of your mind
Not knowing what you'll find
but making sure all is checked
before you go for Checkmate
But it's too late
This game has gone on too long
and it has become a Stalemate

neither win nor lose
but Ego is bruise
causing the compromising
thoughts to be born
begot upon itself
Comments / criticism welcomed!
 Sep 2014 Hayleigh
Ruffles your hair in the soft of the summer patch, sunbeams cling to you like honey then later cling to my ever growing hopes of happy happy love. silly silly silly winky-**** he bruises you with stains of purple-pink which later fade to yellow like 'le soleil' friction burns will come from 'le soleil' and linger and cling to your chest like an arrow through the heart. heart-throb. you belittle me one too many times doodle-bug.

Rosie roses are nice to fancy and fathom but thorns only puncture pale skin and drain you of your ruby juice until you are nothing but a dusty, hollow skin shell. pale naïve and empty to be filled with dreams, desires and demands as well. hate is not easily boiled in your kitchen kettle water but I think that's a good thing munchkin.

Hold back your disdain bite your tongue crack your teeth and do not repeat what your brain whispered it has been lying to you since the day you were born you silly silly silly... this is a ripping seam in your moonbeam and your emotions begin curdle and to leak out like fish but then you remember crying is okay but **** such salt water back in and say naught. distraught.

At witching hour it will come at you a cold sweat in the night where your fingers tingle and your meat twinkles faces before you with holes for irises. they have been sent to inject mishap and upside down rainbow viruses. when was the last bedtime you had cloudless soul with organic thoughts? oh fleshly girl tip-toe lightly as blood trickles down your ego and melts it away to stardust to form another cheeky doodle-bug munchkin grin
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