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 May 2014 Hayleigh
the word
 May 2014 Hayleigh
your hands on my body
made me feel *****
                                 but I said nothing.
your lips on my mouth
stole my innocence
                                  but I said nothing.
your ugly words
made me want to run
                                 run without stopping
                                  run from the danger of a man
                                                             ­                a man with a hunger
                                                          ­                               a hunger for the parts of me that I wanted                  
                                        ­                                          to protect
with a word
                                  but I said nothing.      

I couldn't find the word
                          the word that would have saved me
it was hidden
            hidden by fear
                                fear of the threats you never made
                                                    threats you didn't have to make
                                           unless I said that word
                                                            ­        that word that rose in my throat
                                                       but couldn't shake my tongue
                                 so I said nothing.
I see you there, impatiently disdaing my arrival
Turning head from side to side
Your eyes relentless, open wide
It’s funny that you've only ever seen me as a rival
For we’re much the same, both you and I
We sometimes laugh, and often cry
Lost somewhere within the everything you've never done
Lies the essence of a memory
Of all we were and all we’d be
How did you so blindly miss the nothing you’d become
Every time that you abandoned me
Exchanging freedom for a key

With every time you lied to me
Convinced that I am but a fool
Another link in slavery’s chain
To keep yourself bound further
Than you ever thought you’d go against the grain

But still you sit and wait for me
The one you hate, but hope you’ll see
So you can blame me once again
To make yourself feel better
You spit me out so tastelessly
Each time you sink your teeth in me
And here…you’d have me once again!
Such truth in every letter
This message that I write for you
Will never quite sink into you
For you can only see it
From your dark side of this glass
This message that I send to you
Refracts within your thoughts of gloom
You place the blame, not own it
As each sentence comes to pass

Each time you see the truth in me
You twist it into such a tool
To harvest every ounce of pain
Continuing to ******
Every broken piece of mind that peace would claim

You’re winning

I’m losing

I’m just your reflection

Hair thinning


Such lack of attention



I’ll show you the end



Such lies you defend



Still held in contempt



Yet you make no attempt

You glare at me with such hatred…

When I’m only what you've allowed yourself to become
 May 2014 Hayleigh
K Balachandran
She touched a tender spot in his heart,
and said she found a clot, the size
of a pin ***** of love, which said"Sorry,
this is old, healed well, forgot fully
what this scar said, once upon a time"

With a smile in which his soul reflected
he  said, "I live in the present, with you
forget the scars that would erase itself
and take one from a sad spots to a
place in consciousness, that will tell
how love heals and makes one whole.

To be in a love of that kind is all
what life can teach one.
Make oneself a receptive vessel
when heart is in fire, becoming sublime
await the shower, the moon splash, divine
fill the vessel to the brim, and rejoice
let it  liberate one from
all transient bonds restraining"
 May 2014 Hayleigh
In the beginning
on the dew covered grass
with the stars laughing in the sky
her arms found mine
everything was unintentional, as if it was the greatest surprise
us, her, I

In the middle
on the silky sand dunes
with the sun dancing in the sky
the space between her and I, expanded
everything was fast, as if on a planned schedule
us, her, I

At the end
on the flannel sheets
with the fan spinning on the ceiling
the air we breathed, touched, was separated by a glass window
everything was moping, as if heavily medicated

and this time
it was just her
no more us
no more "I"
I'm not sure how people will interpret this... I'm kinda curious as to how people see it.
and so... There ! Amid all allurement and soft machines;
the spoiled brat of Venus, knicking the doors and kicking the canned laughter
to the foot of a mountain of existential speculation. Amid the cherry bombs and the Persian rugs; so many menageries of tinfoil origami swans.
so very little Time.

so little rosemary wine in the pickle jars. So few wolves
in the porcupine dens  - and only a swarm of hornets
in your nightclothes, this
and nothing but nettles
in your tea.

well, nettles and golems and orange hope.
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Mike Hauser
If God let nature pick out its colors
I'm sure the sky would still choose blue
And the deepest depths of the ocean
Would want to stay that color too

If the mountains took to long to decide
Their peaks would turn a snowy white
And the stars in all of their glory
Would still relish the black of the night

The green, green grass of the valleys
Would not want it any other way
Just like the yellow of the morning sun
On any given day

And the leaves on the trees in the cool fall breeze
Would be any color that they like
At any given moment in time
Is when they would decide

If God let nature choose its own colors
I'm sure they would all stay the same
Because God knew what he was doing
When he created it on that special day
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Bruce Wilfrome
Plates of gold, hearts of steel,
keeping our secrets, never to reveal.

For wether we know it or not,
it is nothing more than a thought.

Plates of gold, hearts of steel,
keeping our secrets, never to reveal...
 May 2014 Hayleigh
 May 2014 Hayleigh
I've yet to discover what my path is.
I've yet to understand my emotions my thoughts my reasoning behind my reactions.
I am unsure why elders say i should act my age, I do not think one can act a certain age, I think my maturity should not be  associated with my age.
I am aware of the world, at times to aware  for my own good, it scares me where this world can wonder to which part of the forest will societies majority take the rest of us who cant escape.
I am yet to finish these thoughts i find there is no time to but i know it will be done soon.
 May 2014 Hayleigh
 May 2014 Hayleigh
With cigarette stained lips
And smoke rings in her eyes
She cried her numb tears from the marrow of her bones
Something she didn't know she could do anymore
And as the salt stained earth of her skin rippled in rapture
Her throat sang gospels of ash and devils
The pink in her hair grew red as her wrists
The night fed her euphoria and shadows in her tear drops
The last of them spilling on the blue grass fields beneath her bed
And they bloomed into trees of white sand and salt
She grew devils under her sheets as she lay restless
Stray dogs howled to the nothing in particular of her song
As the gospels wore thin
And the house began to wheeze with fright
Its old creaking beams wrapped around her as she lay alone
In a bath tub
In the bedroom
In the kitchen
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