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Lizzie Bevis Mar 12
I am discombobulated,
like a riddle unsolved by light,  
yet, I have a smile that glows,
but hides at night;
and when joy spills from my lips,
it is a warming display,  
but, pain still lingers,
only a heartbeat away.  

I am as bold as the dawn,
as I step into the fray,  
yet as shy as a whisper,
I often quickly drift away.  
I love with a consuming fire
that burns through the cold,  
and sometimes I smoulder,
overwhelmed and old.  

I am healing and hurting,
I am an emotional embrace,  
gazing into the mirror,
as I search for my place.  
So fiercely I strive,
with my dreams in sight,  
yet I am caught in a spiral
as my wishes ignite.  

I am a walking contradiction
of heartache and grace,  
as I chase fleeting moments,
searching for space.  
I am more than a peacemaker,
and I am willing to fight,  
to find peace in the turmoil,
where my weakness meets might.  

So here in the stillness,
my thoughts fill my head,  
as I think about my life
and where it has led.  
I have been a whirlwind of beauty,
a wilting rose of strife,  
and I’m learning to grow
within the chaos of life.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Feb 25
We built our friendship piece by piece,
with laughter and late-night talks,
but, I never thought we'd reach the day
when our shared path just...stopped.

I remember the good days and the bad,
a shoulder was always there to lean on,
I thought we'd be two crazy friends
growing up and still going strong.

I remember how we used to plan
our lives, growing old and grey.
It is funny how our future dreams
just sort of slipped away.

I've tried my best to fix the broken bits,
and to patch up what came undone,
but some things, once they've changed too much,
can't be joined back together as one.

And yes, it hurts like hell sometimes
to know we've drifted apart and stalled;
But, I wouldn't trade those memories,
not for anything at all.

So here's the truth, plain and simple,
as I let these words go free,
I hope you find what you've been chasing,
and that you are where you are meant to be.

I hope that your days are kind and gentle,
and that all of your dreams will come alive;
And although we're on different paths now,
I hope that you will still continue to thrive.

©️Lizzie Bevis
How bittersweet it is to drift away from old friends.
It will never be the same as it once was.
Lizzie Bevis Feb 25
Peaceful sleep washes
over my consciousness,
I shroud myself
in the warmth of a duvet
and close my eyes.
Time passes in waves
washing the day away.

Colours spiral and blend,
as logic bends,
and I float weightlessly
through memories
that have never happened,
as I can only imagine.

The moon guards my secrets,
in a language
that I almost understand,
while I am everywhere
and nowhere,
dreaming through
seas of starlight
in my dreamland.

Then, my eyes snap open,
and reality crashes over me
like a wave of cold water,
leaving an emptiness
of something once profound,
and scenes that I
can no longer recall.
I can only hope
that it was a beautiful dream.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I wrote this at 01:00 and then promptly fell back to sleep again.
Lizzie Bevis Feb 24
The stars in your eyes  
make me believe  
in the sweet moments
that I long to drift into
every time we meet.

Your gentle smile  
lights up my day  
much like how the sunrise
greets the morning sky
to kiss the dew-soaked grass.

And how I wish for you
to hold my heart  
in those tender hands  
as we spend our hours
together and always.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I've been watching far too many period dramas in my free time and I got swept away in it all.
  Feb 23 Lizzie Bevis
Dr Peter Lim
I ain't handsome
charm I've none
poor in ordinary speech
nothing of worth can I reach-

never went to school
I'm a farmer's son
worked daylong
until the setting of sun-

can't read or write
but conversant
with every flower
and plant--content

you're rich and pretty
why would you want
to marry me?
That would be your total misery!

Oh, so you said, now I see:
'  A good gardener
  makes a great lover!'
  if so, I'll marry thee--readily !
Lizzie Bevis Feb 23
With one steady foot
in front of the other,
a smile across my face,
I open the door wide open,
sunlight fills the cloudy sky,
and the wind knows no restraint.

My heart beats to its song
and life seems clear and bright,
as I embrace my freedom
taking in sights around me,
and I thank God for my chance
to live and breathe again.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I'm out! I'm free!
I'm so grateful to the NHS and the Cardiac staff at LCH on the Johnson ward for taking such good care of me. I've been sent home with medication and I fear that I'm probably going to turn into a maraca!

I am happy to have my own bed back.
I think that i is time to slow down and take it easy, I only have one life and I've been very lucky...I should have been a cat.

I've got lots of reading to do, you lovely folks have been busy writing in my convalescence.

It's good to be back 🙂
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