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 Sep 2017 Leydis
Well God help thy soul
you did what was wrong
unlocked the forbidden chambers
and ye shall never find thy spirit
thou lost it underneath
Now there is no such thing as an escape
Thou have been trapped
Look at thy mortals' sky
The stellar dust long dead
Feel the tingling of fear
the calling of the gone
Now there is no such thing as an escape
Thou have been trapped
Thy spirit is wandering like
Seagrass in the waves,
Like leaves on the cold,
colourless wind
Amongst the Sun and the Moon
The silver dust and rain
Now there is no such thing as an escape
Thou have been trapped
Have you ever been
There is no such thing
As an escape
Have been
T r a p p e d
Mixing the old English word with the nowaday speech is, I believe, giving poems a special spark to it. My attempt was to create a mystic poem, giving away a post-life feeling. The point is, we don't live long, and it's time to wake up. You're here, trapped. And now there's no escape, not even death. But this piece has a special, hidden meaning behind it - if we are trapped here, why not make the most of it? [V.J.]
 Sep 2017 Leydis
Star BG
SCULPTORS We use tools are pen and keyboard, journal and eyes. Our hearts are compasses, energy portal for information. All gifts. A profession called to by the powers of light.

FARMERS   who carefully grow thoughts to sprout words into sentences. We use water from eyes to grow poems as well as rays of sun to scribe happy thoughts.

DOCTORS   We heal with their words to give hope to the reader. We give the medicine of a positive verse to open heart. And doctor old wounds so one feels they are not alone.

TEACHERS  who carry wisdom to share with affirmations, thoughts and writings. Our footsteps of experiences bring about poems with insight.

INDIAN CHIEF  We see the beauty in nature and write about it, trying to pass on a new awareness to the world.

ARCHITECTS   who build buildings of verse sometimes tall other times short. They have windows for reader to peer through.

DANCERS   We use words to become like ballerina steps anointing of page-like dance floor. We write gracefully and elegantly to the music of our heart like a dancer would to an orchestras music.
 Sep 2017 Leydis
Lynda Kerby
Lord of all things, whose wondrous gifts to man Include the shining symbols known as words, Grant that I may use their mighty power only for good. Help me to pass on Small fragments of Your wisdom, truth, and love. Teach me to touch the unseen, lonely heart With laughter, or the quick release of tears. Let me portray the courage that endures, Defiant in the face of pain or death; The kindness and the gentleness of those Who fight against the anger of the world; The beauty hidden in the smallest things; The mystery, the wonder of it all…. Open my ears, my eyes; unlock my heart. Speak through me Lord, if it be Your will.
~Arthur Gordon
not written by me but i wanted to share this
 Sep 2017 Leydis
Star BG
I am a poem generator
in human form.
Revving up my motor
in morning light.

I drink words
like someone would coffee.
I get inspired
by the gentle breeze,
that carries birds song.

I am a poem generator,
with purpose to anoint page
so many gather.

I ingest ideas like one would eat a meal
where tip becomes the poem.

I dancing as if each phase
is a step aligning with musical heartbeat.

I am a poem generator
inviting eyes to take action and read.
Read to travel
into a vortex of light.
 Sep 2017 Leydis
Star BG
With hypnotic rays,
the sun shines
anointing many that view
with open heart.

Its purpose, for one
to find their greatness within
and dance free.
Some attune to it's guidance.
Some need more time.

With hypnotic rays,
the moon vibrates
encouraging many to look deep
into shadows of night.

Its purpose, for one
to know their Divine self
and dance free.
Some attune to its guidance.
Some need more time.

For best intentions
can break any hypnotic spell.
if freewill persists
and time isn’t right.

But alas, Moon and Sun will wait
shinning love endlessly
for they have all the patience of the world.
Inspired by Atlas
 Sep 2017 Leydis
Gabriel burnS
Falling, not fallen
She was no man’s
But a nomad
She was the comet
Finally caught
In His gravity

Her celestial body
Lured beneath
Her stellar sails
By a solar flare
Lowering anchor
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