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  Jul 2014 Lehua Lokelaulii
I am no stranger to pain,
let's be real, who is?
Everyone has their own trials and tribulations
to overcome.
Overcoming is the key part, though.
Pain, whether it be
a second, minute, hour, day, or even a year,
is very much so
Quitting and giving up lasts
Just knowing this isn't enough,
as my inner circle would tell you,
I'm as guilty as they come with losing hope.

Even when my hands are calloused from digging,
and the hot sun baked my skin, boiling my blood,
I feel cold,
That is, I did, then along came some friends.
Who saw something in me that I'm still not sure exists,
pulled me out of that hole, ripped that shovel from my hands.
I'm not going to sit here and lie to you,
it hasn't all been unicorns and rainbows,
as I occasionally stumble back into that hole.
But each and every time,
those same hands reach down and pull me back out.
Isolation doesn't show strength, but an inability to be weak.
I usually don't write notes, but with this one I'll make an exception. Usually I just write stuff down to get it off my mind, but I figure if I can reach just one person through this, and it helps them, even in the smallest detail, than my entire time on this website will be worth it. I don't care for likes or trending poems, however I do appreciate people taking time out of their busy days to read what I have to say. Thank you to all the people that read my "poems/stories/rants" and, obviously, thank you to my friends that have helped make me the person I am today. If you enjoy what I write, you should thank them too, as it was their idea that I start writing here in the first place.
  Jun 2014 Lehua Lokelaulii
we live in a time where its really hard to trust someone
and love is no more real like it used to be
and that hurts, it hurts a lot
to live in a ******* fake time.
  Jun 2014 Lehua Lokelaulii
Bella Anima
The walls are caving in
Darkness setting in
Not a single ray of light seeps in
But i like it.

Everyone i knew
Everyone i had
Everyone i loved
And still love
Everyone that i gave a piece of me to
turned away
and walked away
with that piece
never looking back.
not even once,

But i like it.

I feel as if
I am walking under clouds
That are raining knives
With the knives piercing through me
In every way it could
Just like innocent raindrops.

But i like it.

Each night
I wet my eyes
With my own raindrops
Then i shut them tight
and lock myself away
Repeating the mantra
Don't wake up.
Don't wake up.
Don't wake me up.
But when the morning comes
I will be awake
And my eyes were allowed to be opened.

I have no choice then
I have to get up
And live it away
Bleeding as i walk around
The face of this Earth.

People throwing words at me
as i walk
You need to stop.
You need to get out of this.
Lets find a way together.

But no.
This pain is a drug
That i am addicted to
And no rehab nor therapies
could fix it.

And i
Love it.
Pain is absolutely addictive.
  Jun 2014 Lehua Lokelaulii
Hannah Mary
we say "freedom" but is that what's really going on here? Nobody is free from other people. Humans destroy each other like it's their second nature and the worst part is, they're relentless. Those people who love causing agonizing pain to others just don't get it. They have been broken into so many pieces that can't be found anywhere. The only way they gain their pieces back is by taking other peoples'. If you don't have happiness, why not take others away to make you temporarily content?
We aren't free from humans. The word "freedom" is just a euphemism for captivity within the human race.
Just always make sure to never lose your true self.
i was his first
or he was mine
so im not sorry
and im not leaving
i don't care
if he loves you
or you love him
hes not happy
not really
and i can give him
everything you can't
i might not have your smile
but i can do more with mine

— The End —