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Can you feel my presence
When I come to you in dreams
Are your memories of me as pleasant
As the songs we used to sing

Do you know that much about me
I used to know you pretty well
You were the angel in my heaven
Until that day I fell

Do you look at those old pictures
Of when you were a child
I only wanted to be with you
Only wanted you to smile

Do you hate the things I’ve done
Do you blame me for your pain
It’s the fact that I still love you
That keeps me in these chains
Traveler Tim
Can you feel my presence
When I come to you in dreams
Are your memories of me as pleasant
As the songs we used to sing

Do you know that much about me
I used to know you pretty well
You were the angel in my heaven
Until that day I fell

Do you look at those old pictures
Of when you were a child
I only wanted to be with you
Only wanted you to smile

Do you hate the things I’ve done
Do you blame me for your pain
It’s the fact that I still love you
That keeps me in these chains
Traveler Tim
Walking in the forest was I
when I heard a plaintiff cry
begging me to give her aid
a desperate and 'prisoned maid.

Locked up in a tower was she
all alone with her misery.
“I'll let my long hair down for thee
to climb up here and rescue me”.

I thought this was a little unwise,
a wicked glint tinged my eyes,
a knowing smile, and feeling smug,
I gave her hair a hefty tug.

Down she fell into my arms,
muttering curses, gushing charms.
Over and over we tumbled for fun
rolling about in the midday sun.

I noticed the rip in her dress
so her thigh I did fondly caress.
Respond in kind she promptly felt,
loosening off my trouser belt.

And her father's lock on her chastity
was no match for my skeleton key.
Even though he'd chained the door,
his daughter is a maiden no more.

© Pagan Paul (2017)
Reworked Poem.
Ever wondered what raw beauty is?
I feel it now, I understand it now.
I don't like sweet people
All coated in best sugary dips
Like the artificial flavoured ones.

Rather I prefer now the raw bitterness
At least it's not coated or artificial
It's raw and honest
No matter how much it hurts
At least it is what it is
Love to taste the raw bitterness
With beauty within intact in it.
Beauty in raw whether it's sweet or bitter
That's at least truthful to how it is. No mask. Just how it is to be.
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