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Sky is a blend of pink-orange-violet,
dim...but birds are already awake
steaming coffee wakes the senses
rooster calls on and on.....its silhouette
completes the early morning landscape...

it's that perfect moment...when
tradewinds blow...carrying scents
of the harvest season............when
horizon turns to the clearest of blue,
the eyes feast upon moving straw hats
...big and small.....

under the radiant morning sun
sparrows fly high and low
over lush golden fields of rice,
stems are now bowed....grains are ripe...

maidens' sweet voices join the air
hands and sickles move with flair practiced strokes,
small hills are formed from gathered stalks
feet move in their rhythmic walks
laughter and conversations become songs
their cadence, brought by joys of the season,
weary thoughts have no reason
to exist, when sounds of glee are seizin' in...

hours can't be stilled.....excitement sobers
sun gives way to the moon and stars,
sickles are kept....laid beside mortars
and pestles......voices turn softer,
waning...slowly fading...into dark corners

................soon, crickets' song takes over...

when harvest moon glows, a breathing silence
rules over the shadows of the fences,
just the moon watching, and a Guiding Presence...

thank God for another bountiful harvest
threshing awaits....but bodies are spent
..............tomorrow's another day!


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
April 15, 2018


the traditional harvest time in my country
there was so much fun in the old practices...
I wonder whether
     in my advanced maturity
I'm getting sappy -
    a sign of second childhood
    regression as progress … ?

when even cheesy happy ends
on late night television movies
almost bring tears to my eyes

or is it just
fulfillment on the screen
     of ancient human dreams
that we can live in harmony
     happy in peace
    instead of war

no bombs  no deadly rockets
no children lost to famine or to terror
no need to flee the rubble
     of what used to be your home

I guess I‘m getting sappy
In my garden
A climber grows
From the trellised platform
It strays its way
Trespassing into others territory
Annoying the plants
Growing close

Its emerald leaves
Of bright glossy sheen
With serrated edge
And prominent veins
Trembling and timorous
When whipped by the wind
Is a real delight to view!

Close to monsoon
It is in flower
The heavy clusters
Droop down in weight
A medley of white, pink and red
Languidly swaying in the breeze
Giving off a faint aroma

Early morning I see them
Tear stained
I wonder what makes them cry
Do they lament their transient fate?
Or are they sad,
Molested by amorous bees?
Recently we got a few showers of summer rain and my climber is  in full bloom ! The aroma wafted through the night wind is exotic!
It's a good day drawn on
The sunny canvas a bit
Fluffy cloud meandering
Away where cotton ball
Clouds go on a calm day
When the rain gods and thunder
Goddesses go off to
Fort Lauderdale
Or Tahiti to occasion the tropics
With storms but
Here was pleasantly warm
No one needed antiperspirants
Or sweaters
And it got painted by Monet
This day did
A hundred times
All differently
A slight change of
The suns angles
The differences
In the shadows laying left or right

And how brightly stark
The sun shone early
Changed midday to
Blindingly overhead
Then reached to the edge
Of your right eye
Evening a long cast
A glimmer almost gone

Like days past.
Memories of childhood
Youth all once again.

The sun has shone
Me things
Shined for millions ages anon
Be it my
Everglow now.
Now I take her to heart.
Cold today
but at least
the sun's
in play

Out in it

Wind talking
through mouthfuls of white pine
sweeping, swishing whispers
just enough to let the chimes
sing as bells
without bashing-- themselves
to dissonant trinkets

Music-muttering, free

Leafless shadows of the early spring
cold creeping 'cross
the yards toward noon
where they disappear
into a wood-chipper

What the hell is with my neighbors?

Why do people hate their trees?
Maybe 'cause they are not theirs?
Grown beyond them and their confines?

My tiny yard so feral
They probably hate mine too
But I belong to them  
and mine belong to me
They curve around, protective
my home of wind and bird and sky
cream 'n coffee
one into another
Music sometimes
falling through itself into...
know ******* a morning

I let them live

trees and neighbors my mind smears into afternoon
The calm must be immense
In Paradise and the vista
A view like no other
The shores we swim to white
Sandy clean
There when we reach nirvana
As we fulfilled become
One with the universe
Promises of religious sanctity
All our hopes and dreams
Like stars in the dark sky
Lying before us
All sparkling a sea
Of diamonds to look
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