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 Jan 2016 L W D
Victoria Jennings
I still call this home for you
Because once upon a time
I was your home.
 Jan 2016 L W D
Lauren Leal
But I finally convinced my demons I'm one of them.
Inner thoughts
 Dec 2015 L W D
Christina Cox
Break a cup in the sink
Shatter the glass
Pick the biggest,
best piece.
Run the water
put the point against my skin
against the blue vein.
Make my hand bleed from holding
Make my wrist bleed from pressing.
Create a line and pull some more
Press some more.
Make the blood come.
Watch it flow
until vision is black.
Mom or dad, it doesn’t matter
find me on the kitchen floor.
Am I dead?
Or barely alive?
Failure either way.
I have problems. This is the latest idea... Writing down the idea makes it less likely to be done.
 Dec 2015 L W D
amy emma
you are not
your insecurities
that resonate within your skull
late at night
you are
the 9 am pep talks
you give yourself
bright and early
in the morning
In my philosophy,
simple questions
ought to yield
complex answers,
complex questions
aspire towards
elegant revelation.
 Dec 2015 L W D
Mike Hauser
i want you to know, the poem you wrote
it really touched my heart
did you have an idea when you wrote it
that it would be the spark
to lighten up the inner flame
that would brighten up my dark
a poem that touched my very soul
and left on it, it's mark

did you know the words you chose
brought me to my knees
and that those very words you chose
were at that moment what i needed
they caused the clouds to separate
and the sun to shine on me
the words you chose
swung wide open the closed
door in front of me

i just wanted you to know
about the poem you wrote
Going through some older writes and chanced upon this one...still stands true! Thank you to everyone who has touched me with your wonderful poetry!
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