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 Jul 2017 L for Loe
Paul Jones
A big rock is hard     to start rolling but
when it gets going,     mountains will be moved.
11:45 - 03/07/17
State of mind: calm; thoughtful.

Thoughts: from thinking - about dreaming big. If something is too hard, get help. There are people out there who believe in you because you believe in yourself.

Questions: Did Sisyphus ever laugh?

Listening to: Van Morrison - Crazy Love
 Jun 2017 L for Loe
Abigail Card
sometimes I think
I am only capable
of melancholy thoughts

but then I remember
that in my garden

there are purple flowers growing.
 May 2017 L for Loe
 May 2017 L for Loe
I never got the sun,
A shooting star got there first.
So I played catch with the moon
And when I took my hands away
My fingers bore

But the moon doesn't have flames,
So the fire must be in me.
The moon should have some burn marks though
Otherwise the whole thing has been a façade.
 May 2017 L for Loe
ct lokey
Sun-burnt arms hanging carelessly again
out the car window,
fingers tapping to the music of bending trees,
the smell of freshly laid tire tracks indicate
the rush hour race is on.

My eyes speeding through the scenery around
I am a poor audience.

Lively grass and vibrant flowers shout out
with a fresh burst of new colors, pleading to
grab my attention.
But the only color I see is 'GO'----
The time will come to finally stop,
not for the sake of traffic, but for a last chance
to open my eyes to this generous gift;
hopefully before I reach the end of
narrow road.
 May 2017 L for Loe
Matthew M
Tide take me away with you,
Storm roll in and over me
Sea let me delve your depths
I will swim in your ocean of sin
And let the waves wash my guilt away
Before I drown in love with you.

— The End —