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 Oct 2021 Khaab
 Oct 2021 Khaab
No matter what life throws at you
Always keep reaching the goal you set
 Oct 2021 Khaab
I am safe within this moment
I invite you to feel as calm
pay no attention to all the chaos
the collective’s fear is strong!

Us creatives have the task
of invoking our higher selfs
learn to sing in higher octaves
distribute our supplemental wealths

The pass is but a thought
the future we must imagine
I will channel my energy
in a moment of loving compassion
Traveler 🧳 Tim
 Oct 2021 Khaab
Eshwara Prasad
The devious mind hides itself.
 Oct 2021 Khaab
Sally A Bayan
Moods are in synch once again
with this monsoon season
raindrops come with threads of pain,
maybe there's a good reason
why pain...rhymes with rain.

there's pen and paper
for, when rain pours
is when my poetry flows
softly weeping its woes
like ice...that quietly thaws.

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
July 2020
(just a poem)
 Oct 2021 Khaab
One, two—
 Oct 2021 Khaab
The silence stabs, but not painfully
So; intruding, its sour and soft luminosity.
I felt a thousand things ooze out of me
Dream-dipped drops dripping so drowsily,
And each ticklish sweetness echoing; to sea
I sank— past lids, through lashes, all. With glee
Snaked under I under I furtive; faint and feathery.
To dark I fell, to naught, to white monstrosity
One, stream of plea, two, agony, and three
Well three— I filled, filled with scarcity.
When all the ripples quiet lay, I in melody.

Took me a whole day this *****
 Oct 2021 Khaab
Eshwara Prasad
He wrote to all those who had abandoned him for no apparent reason and attempted to rejoin his fold;

"There is no space for you inside my heart or hearth."
It is raining outside but close to me
it is dry and warm; monsoon
season rests in my chest
rain descends consecutively like each living
one after the other making both, life and rain, seem endless.

the clouds trickle their misunderstood grey-ness into my yogurt bowl sweetening my existence; each droplet a new second held in time so I count: 
 1 - 2 -3 -4 …until I arrive at endlessness, presence and peace)
 Oct 2021 Khaab
Lawrence Hall
Lawrence Hall

               From Vespers to Compline this October Night

How peaceful it is to sit outside
In the cooling dusk as the stars appear
In the healing dusk as the busy-ness fades
Through unspoken Paters and Aves

How peaceful it is to sit outside
In the Vespers night of crickets’ hymns
In the Compline night of one last prayer
Whispered up to God through the dome of Heaven

How peaceful it is to sit outside
And be still
A poem is itself.
 Oct 2021 Khaab
 Oct 2021 Khaab
I wonder if I really am kind hearted.
Most people think it’s true,
But maybe I’m just afraid of being mean-
Maybe I’m afraid of being you.
 Oct 2021 Khaab
Eshwara Prasad
The long-awaited day had finally arrived, he thought.
She came to meet him, though, to bid him farewell.
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