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  Dec 2017 MeKenna
You know you are in love when

You go out for a great meal and nothing
On the menu appeals more than
His/her lips...

You are kissing him/her and
A tiger comes up to lick your
Hand (tasting?) and you don't
Even notice...

The thought of him/her
Sends a thrill through your
Entire body...

When you are around your
Other friends they tease you for
Being a bore because all you
Talk about is him/her...

You see him/her across the street
And rush headlong into
Oncoming traffic...

The mustache on her lip
Only serves to make you want
To kiss her MORE!

You love to run your fingers
Through his hair...
Even though he has more
On his BACK than on
His head!

It's been 20 years and the above
Is still true!
Can you add to this?
Please do! And repost!
The more love in this world
The better!
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
Jessica Hughes
Our lips bond together.
On a limb, but I reach out
for the desire to press my
my tongue against yours.
To feel the suction of you,
******* me in ever so close.

I've slightly fallen

We do the tango, twisting
around, turning me upside
down till I feel dizzy.
And juices leak from each
crease of our mouths.
So sweet, my ears heard a
love song that was unsung.

I've slightly fallen

In his seduction , succulent, ******
pleasures which quench my thirst.
I got a Jones. Both of them attracting
at will. The steam from fevered bones.

While my heart and mind plays
the fiddle. Still we sip as he
****** himself gently, palming my
parts as if they were gems in
his hand.

I've slightly fallen

Like a three pierced tongue ring,
our liquids spill over my lips, cheeks
and chin. To taste him I am confident.
For him I flow as his lady in reassurance.

I've slightly fallen

I'm swimming within this man's wine.
But, if I should drown myself
among his deletable kisses;
there is unharmed because
his love is my ocean.

I have slightly fallen into...

By Jessica Hughes aka JH_Poetry
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
Harley Hucof
(I) decided to visit you

(W)anting to say i miss you
(A)nd to finally try and kiss you
(N)ever knew it could be real
(T)he 2 of us was just a dream

(T)onight will pass through
(O)ur fantasy will become true

(F)ree of what they'll think
(U)niting in your bed we'll link
(C)ream, oils and sweat, i'll be
(K)illing it all night till the end

(Y)ou above me
(O)r me above you
(U)nified under one moon

Words Of Harfouchism
Just for fun
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
Harley Hucof
Sometimes i just sit here and think about death
Should i take my life with my own hands?

What is there to live for?
Its like i've already been through everything before

I feel so old though im still 23
So young and have lost the passion to live

It's Like i've been here for too long
Maybe i just dont belong

Im not feeling depressed or something of the sort
I just dont have a purpose to live for

Anyway i know its just a phase
My sorrows will soon fade
I'll be happy again
Just to get low after awhile
And this circle will keep turning till the end of time

Besides if i'd take my own life and commit succide
Karma is a ***** and would reincarnate me right back from the other side

Because i was a coward and didnt stick to the plan
Just to live and experience the pain again
So i ll just face those difficulties in this life
So i could die peacefully and enjoy the after life.

Words Of Harfouchism
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
Harley Hucof
(L)ick my muse
(E)at it all
(T)ry not to let a drop fall
(S)uck my juice, **** it all

(M)oan and scream
(I)t's all i need
(S)ubmissive is what you'll be
(B)e patient your time will come
(E)rotic games are to be done
(H)ardcore is my only way
(A)fter that it's your turn to play
(V)iolently, softly? it's up to you
(E)nding the night exploding on you

Words Of Harfouchism
just for fun
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
Harley Hucof
(T)onight we get *****
(I) prepared all the tools
(E)nter my dark room

(M)ake me suffer. I
(E)njoy the pain

(U)ltimate bliss
(P)leasure attained

(C)andle wax poured on my skin
(H)umiliate me im hankering after it
(O)n my knees i ll beg for it
(K)eep me on the line
(E)nsure my spice

(M)ake me lose control
(E)mmerse my soul

Words Of Harfouchism
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
Nathan Pival
Next time
I'm gonna take my time
Spread it out so it lasts
Answering desire with your gasp
Your hair I pull with a gentle grasp
You've opened your body and soul to me
Being bound makes you feel free

I would never take advantage
Of the openness you've offered to me
I am your protector and your rock
Your pleasure is what brings my pleasure

The trust you give I cherish with respect
I know just when to let go
When my hands are around your neck

You know that I would never go too far
Because I know exactly what you can handle
Half of the pleasure is finding out what your limits are
The other half is finding the limits then raising the bar

Although I may be in charge and I may be in command
Your pleasure is what I seek
Your pleasure is what makes me feel free
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