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 Mar 2014 Kaweqamon
Megan Grace
I don't think I'll ever be close enough
to you. Like so close
that I can feel your heartbeat
in every part of myself.
It seems weird to want to
open you up and check out your soul
but that's exactly what I want.
I need to see what you know
and what you've felt
and who you are.
Because right now you're just a name
and a pair of ever-moving hands
that just won't settle
on my body.
 Mar 2014 Kaweqamon
Kellen K
The beauty I happened to have spotted,
The girl I passed in the mall,
Not just one beautiful girl, you are them all,
No name, because I never got it,
Could not tell you how gorgeous you are, but I thought it.
Your beauty cascades on me like rainfall,
You probably thought I was too small.
But, I didn’t get your number, and away you trotted.

Did you even see me?
or did you just walk by?
Did you think that I was dreamy?
or just another guy?
Did you want to get steamy?
*or were you just a passerby?
 Mar 2014 Kaweqamon
I was a single grain of coffee
floating in the porcelain mug
that was your heart
 Mar 2014 Kaweqamon
Island vacation relaxing and calm
Her fluid nature cannot be ignored
Drawn to her heat with the promise of more
There go the lazy days spent 'neath the palm
Enchanted Princess in an island tale
A bronzen mermaid in the deep blue sea
One look, you'll be who she wants you to be
And revel with new found freedom in sail
The water sparkles in the setting sun
Splashes like fireworks welcome the night
Outlines of flesh reflected in moonlight
In the shadows of waves two become one
Reckless abandon, a perfect escape
In her arms he found that dreams could take shape
Inspired by Far Flung Fun by David Thomas
copyright©PrttyBrd 04/06/2010
 Mar 2014 Kaweqamon
 Mar 2014 Kaweqamon
My truth
your perception
is never a fair fight
 Mar 2014 Kaweqamon
my silence means naught
please don't interpret my heart
it has its own voice
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