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895 · Jun 2018
Nothing is real
Michael Mallen Jun 2018
life is always changing
I know that for sure
every time I close my eyes
I open a door
it's always a place
I've never seen before
and I always come back
craving for more
because it's the times, when I cry and I fall
when I actually start, to appreciate it all
I start to see the meaning of it all
all my pain, my fear, my hate, and my doubt
I started to see what it's all about
it's what we believe and what we perceive
we believe that we need, to impress to succeed
we strive for acceptance
like our need to breathe
we try so hard,  just to fit in
that everything real, is forced within
we put on fake clothes, masks, and personas
we let society's belief's, begin to own us
we have no one to show us how really to be
but I'm changing that, starting with me
I took off the blindfold
and started to see
I started to see what it means to be me
I started to see how life could be
without letting others
tell me - how to be
It's amazing to be, without obligation
to society's standards
and this ******* nation
I've started to become, a very real person
I've finally gone numb, to the pain that just worsens
before all of this, I was living in hell
wondering when the day would come, that I finally fell
and I did
I fell deep into my mind, where all my demons hid
it felt like the times, when I was a kid
I'd sit in my room
wishing things would change
wondering why things were this way
wondering when I could finally say
what's on my mind
what's in my heart
I took all of my restraints
and tore them apart
I let my soul sing
and opened my heart
I broke out of my shell and started to shine
I became stronger and started to define
define what it means, to actually be me
and not give a ****, about what others see
I began to manifest
my own reality
and all of my pain
disappeared from around me.
Self exploration and introspection
581 · Jun 2018
The masks we wear
Michael Mallen Jun 2018
To please society
is a difficult task
you have to mold and wear a mask
that hides your face
and censors your soul
the masks we wear
let us fit in
because being yourself
is forbidden
were not supposed
to think for ourselves
were led instead with whistles and bells
do this, do that, move here read that
they treat us as if
we were as blind as a bat
as if we can't think
without wearing their hat
they don't want us to think
they don't want us to feel
they want us to sink
they don't want us to heal
they want to hide us
from the truth of reality
and give us a false,
sense of morality
they hand us clay
to craft our mask
and they say
do this task
do it fast
put on your mask
or you'll be last
and put on blast.
It's awful how we are deceived
we're told that our worth
comes from how were perceived
they ignore our needs
not the basic like food and water
but instead how to be a good father
or be a real friend
so many relationships
come to and end
because the weight of our masks
is far too much
it makes another person's heart
too difficult to touch
the masks we wear
aren't good at all
they beat and tear and want us to fall
fall far away from our true selvs
and all of our emotions
end up bottled on shelves.
It's time to wake up
take off the mask
break through the ice
stop doing your task
look at the sky
look at the stars
don't spend your time
drinking at bars
why not think about
how to reach mars,
or how to build a slide for cars
you've gotta snap out of it
open your eyes
you'll be proud of it
and you'll start to despise
all of the masks that craft our lies
at the end of this journey
there is a suprise
it's the ability to live
without shades on your eyes
you loose all of the weight that the masks carried
and all of your pain will finally be buried.
398 · Jun 2018
Don't fall too deep
Michael Mallen Jun 2018
Why do I do this, why do I care?
Why am I watching that girl over there?
Eyes buried deep,
into her hair.  
The sun does reflect,
a shining glare.
I can see it in her eyes.
The beauty within is sure to surprise.
But the time has come where my eyes can only strive,
strive to see her unleavened beauty.
But it is my duty to stand up and leave,
because beauty that perfect is sure to deceive.
316 · Jun 2018
Only angels fall from grace
Michael Mallen Jun 2018
I'm not here to point fingers
or tell you your wrong
I'm here to sit down
and read you this song

Dad I love you
with all of my heart
no force in the world
could tear us apart

you took me right in
under your wing
you opened your heart
and let it'self sing
the first time I saw you
I heard angel bells ring
you came to this world
with a message to bring

you carried the message of peace and love
I know that you were sent from above
because you saved me Dad,
and sheltered me with love
on your shoulder
there's an invisible dove

It symbolizes God
and the strength he gave you
you can't see it now
but God will praise you

What you did
takes more strength
then to carry the world
so I give you my thanks
thank you so much
for taking me in
you touched my soul
and warmed me within

You have the strength of one thousand men
I'll say it now and I'll say it agian

Even though you fell from grace
you looked back up and saw my face
most men would look back down
but you decided to stay around

without you I wouldn't be me
you molded me and set me free

you led me far
away from sin
you've done so much
I can't begin

I see it now
what you are
your not a drunk
just at a bar
yes you drink
sometimes to much
but that's okay
you've done so much

Just Dad please
don't drink and drive
I need you here
I need you alive

Don't do anything
to take you from us
you hold us together
your the one that I trust
I know I can call you
when I've ****** up
and need help
even if I fall through
you'll be there to help

But I don't want a call
or a knock at the door
simply to tell me
your dad is no more

You lost your father
it tore you apart
I don't know how it feels
but I don't want to start
you know how it feels
but I do not
so think to yourself
was it worth one shot?

Just like that
you could be gone
I can't think about it more
it's time to move on

Dad your too smart
to drink and drive
you know it's not worth
just being alive
being able, to run and play
coming home, at the end of the day,
being able just to say-
I love you
may all of the angels
in the world be with you
those thirteen words make me miss you
I'm tearing up as I write this
cause being with you is simply priceless
I can't bear the thought
of living without you
I'd cry myself to sleep
thinking about you

If there's one reason to change your mind
think of your father, and what he defined
think of the day he was taken from you
is that something you want us to go through?

I'm only saying this because I love  you
to keep you safe, and so I can hug you
I need you Dad
because your the guy
who saves the day
you make sure we're all okay
so we can laugh and dance and play
I'm glad I have the chance to say
I love you Dad, everyday

I  didn't write this, to bring you down
to call you out
or make you frown
I wrote this song to make a sound
that can be heard, all around
to spread the message of peace and love
and to tell you that, you were blessed from above
Dad your an angel
I see that now
when you are in heaven
saints will bow
you did the work of Christ himself
you saw the weak and gave them help
when I heard
your fall from grace
I read your eyes
and saw your face
I could see that you were blind
all your hope was left behind

Even though, that you fell
to the deepest, darkest, depths of hell
I have seen the devil as well
and so I have some-thing to tell
the only reason he'd show his face
is cause you scared him with your grace
that is why he tried so hard
to bring you down and make you scarred
you scared the devil with your might
take off the mask and shine your light
you have the strength to stand and fight
do it Dad, you'll be alright

God is with you, believe it or not
I'm telling you, it's worth a shot
your world is not, what you thought
you are unhappy with what you brought
that's just exactly what he wants
to weaken you, and crowd your thoughts
you are the world that he haunts
you are the place that he taunts
but you can't give him what he wants
instead here is, the correct response

Instead of cowering down in fear,
stand right up, and say "come here"
tell him that you won't adhere
to his evil games, and atmosphere
do it Dad, and persevere
break the chains that kept you here
"if you want a coward,
you won't find him here"
"now go *******, and disappear"
after that you will not fear
cause you beat the devil,
without a beer.

I love you Dad
oh so much
you warm my heart
with your touch
I love you Dad, with all my heart
I won't let you, fall apart
even though, that Satan has
beaten you, and made you sad
I am here to tell you Dad
that I will save you, and make you glad
I will stand beside you, everyday
so we can laugh and dance and play
It warms our hearts, when we say
we love each other, everyday
so even if, your world turns grey
remember Dad, what I say
I will always love you with all my heart
I won't let you, fall apart
you are always my sweetheart
when were close, or far apart
so if you, are feeling down
read this poem, and hear it's sound
I can not, say too much
that I love you, and your touch
never let it slip your mind
that I am here, all the time
I will always love you, for the rest of time
no moment will pass, where my love won't shine
onto you, that's genuine
if you ever, need a sign
of my love, then read these lines
my love for you is infinite
I've seen my soul, it's an instrument
my love for you, is so strong
that it plays a magical song
a song that warms, any heart
even if it's broken, or torn apart
it shocks it with love, and makes it restart
that is the song, that my soul sings
that gives it life, and spreads it's wings
remember Dad, all these things
and hear the song that my soul sings.
This is for my father, who I love deeply
174 · Jun 2018
Things have gotten better
Michael Mallen Jun 2018
Things have gotten better
or that's what I thought
I never believed, I could find my soft spot
I was always disappointed with the results that I brought.
But then I took a turn
and feel to my knees
I looked at the sky
and started to breathe
I started to see, the things within me
that taught me to grow
and enjoy a soft breeze
I'd felt that I'd found the lock for my keys
I thought the time had come
when I would finally please
my parents, my friends, and the heart in my chest
I knew that I had done my very best
I started to pray
became thankful and cared,

— The End —