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  Aug 2015 Neex
Please do not get angry at me for feelings that I cannot control
  Aug 2015 Neex
Earl Jane

I'm waiting.........

For the things the won't even happen...

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
Neex Aug 2015
That feeling in the pit of my stomach,
It has never been this real,
I think it's known by the name,
I feel bad.
Neex Aug 2015
Once upon a time,
Doesn't exist,
At least not with me,
This fairy tale wannabe is never ending.

I'm not into the princes,
But there's always this one,
That you have to kiss.

Yeah that's right,
I kiss the Prince,
He becomes a frog,
And there,
The guy of my dreams.

There are also some that come as frogs.

Lucky me to find one,
But the thing is,
That frog won't let me kiss him,
He keeps running away,
Maybe he thinks it'll turn him into a prince,
Cuz I like frogs actually,
And I don't need a prince,
I don't want a prince.

The frog hurt me,
So I'd leave him alone,
But I'm not going anywhere,
The wound will cover up itself,
Soon enough,
And even if it never does,
I'd go into war with it,
*For that frog.
I'm angry, hurt, sad, in pain but I'd still always be there for you, you're my little idiot.
Neex Aug 2015
It all came crashing down,
The realisation,
That all I thought and felt,
Was based on illusions.

Sounds great doesn't it?
No actually,
It doesn't,
And the worst part is,
I was more than surprised,
I was disappointed,
I was hurt.

You hurt me with two words,
And now I'm back to where I was,
Hormonal ramblings.

Plucking petals was a waste of nature.
It's all just been piling up.
Neex Aug 2015
And at this moment,
*Hurt is all I know.
I'm so done with waiting.
Neex Aug 2015
No point of killing myself,
I'm pretty sure the bullet,
Couldn't measure up to this feeling,
This never-ending feeling,
This immutable feeling.
To think one's family could be the most convincing triggers.
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