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David P Carroll
M/Ireland    David P Carroll Poems All Poetry is copyrighted to David P Carroll under a Dublin and European Union court of law. Was on TV …
27/F/Utah    I'm a scientist at heart!
26/F/St. Louis, MO.    Things That Are Better Left Unspoken.
19/M    why i always pray to gods that always fail
Mathew P Nangolo
24/M/Ondangwa/ Namibia    #instagram @mathewnangolo @ #Writing industry is my play background #writing is my therapy #My pen speak louder than my own voice #pen on and welcome …
Imran Islam
31/M/πŸβœ“Lure Pot βœ“πŸ    MY BooKs [] and I develop websites, design and format Amazon Kindle books
20/F/Texas    I mostly write when I'm sad or depressed, so very often. β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯
30/M/Pilipinas    INTP/INFP
M/USA    Dreaming the future. Writing the present. Knowing the past. All uploads are my original writings. (c) TS Ray. All rights reserved.
27/F/A happy place.    Feminist and unashamed. I write for the hopeless and broken-hearted. BPD enthusiast just trying to find my place in this cold world. Follow me on …
39/M/Virginia    Cur Non?
Wandering and wondering, around and about.
Erian Rose
18/Non-binary/Based in Wisconsin    Xe/They / HS '23 / Published Poet, Translator, Journalist, Working Editor & Lit Magazine Founder

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