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Jordan Soriano May 2018
Formed on white sandy beaches
Filled with the crystal clear waters

Anointed under a bright blue sky
Bathed under the full moon

Raised by banyan branches
Fed from coconut trees

We are the children of the Pacific
With hearts of coral

Hair from pandanus leaves
Eyes from volcanic rock

Voices from crashing waves
And strength from latte stones

We are the past, present, and future
We are what was and what is going to be
Jordan Soriano Apr 2018
We were killed by the Spanish
Invaded by the Japanese
And robbed by the Americans

How much more can mother Guahån take?
How much more can our language be suppressed?
How long till the young children won't not know what Nåna or Tåta means?

Why must I...
Why must we chamorros have to go out of our way to speak English for the ignorant?

Why should my culture, my people, and my island suffer the endangerment of our own language?

The chamorro language is dying and it brings tears to my eyes to think that one day Chamorro will be no more.
Jordan Soriano Apr 2018
I am soon to die
You are going to make me cry

You say that I am the guilty
But it is this society that is filthy

So before I go
I will address your foes

Your knights are supposed to be chivalrous
But they do not care if you are at risk

Your king and queen doth rule
But their treatment to you is only cruel

Your nobles give you a home
But do not care if you grow alone

Your wives bear your children
But it is your best friends that are the villains

The men are seen as strong and whole
Little do you know they are drinking in a brothel

This land is made up of imposter’s hands
But you want to **** me the one who exposed your clan
This is a poem I had to write for my world history class. I had to pretend to be a Chamorro  troubadour that is about to be executed but before I die my final will was exposing a tainted society.
  Mar 2018 Jordan Soriano
Tiana Marie
She was like music,
and I longed to dance.

Her heart was the beat,
and I begged for the chance.

Her words were the vocals,
and I was put in a trance.

Her smile was the melody,
and I fell in love at first glance.
Jordan Soriano Mar 2018
I am a daughter
I am a sister
I am a friend
I am a woman
I am a Chamorro woman
I am a Chamorro-Japanese woman
I am a woman of Guahån
I am a woman of the Marianas Islands

My ancestors walked these roads as I do now
They sweat under the same sun as I
They protect me when danger is near
They bless me with guidance
But the military takes that away
They are turning the land of my ancestors in shooting ranges
They took my family's land
They took what wasn't theirs to take

My island, my language, my culture, they are all slipping away into oblivion because Mother Guahån is being destroyed

Prutehi yan defendi i kultura
(Protect and defend your culture)
Jordan Soriano Feb 2018
He makes you laugh until the breath is taken away from you
I remember that
You dream about your future with him
I remember that
You smile everytime he walks by or his name is said
I remeber that
I remeber holding him like you do now
I remeber kissing him where you do
I remember that way it felt when his skin touched mine
I remeber holding my heart when you gave him yours
Jordan Soriano Feb 2018
I am surrounded by the sea
I float in the salty water
I am no longer apart of the outside world

While everything moves fast on land I am but slowly drifting in the waters of time
I hear the sand move beneath my body

I am looking up to the bluest of blue sky
I make pictures within the clouds
Now I am in deep thought, as deep as the ocean

Where can I find heaven?
Is it beyond our galaxy?
Or is heaven between earth and the stratosphere?

I start to look for anything within the clouds that is divine
I search for heavens gates so I may only catch but a glimpse of the kingdom of the Lord

I find myself so lost in thought that the sky is no longer blue
Instead it has turned lilac and pink

How much time has just passed?
How long have I been afloat?
I needn't know the answer

I am called
I rise out of the water and go back to land where time moves the fastest

I'll have to look for Heaven another day
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