You'll fight and you'll argue
You'll scream and you'll yell
You'll smoke because you're mad
You'll cut because you're numb
He'll block you out of his life
Only to keep you safe
He'll be thinking of you every moment,
Knowing exactly where he was when you called.
He'll ignore your call because he's got nothing to say,
Being ignored just isn't your style
You'll blow up his phone
Only because you care
No one is there for him so you try to be
He won't let you in,
He doesn't know how
It's just not his style,
But it's completely yours.
You can't wallow in your problems
Because then they become scars.
He can't speak right away because his thoughts become reckless.
You deal with him and he deals with you
You love each other deeply but it just might not be enough
You fight and you fight to stay together
The love and feelings are there
The passion is there
So what could be missing?
Why can't you make it work..