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477 · Aug 2020
Terry Richardson Aug 2020
by Intoxcy8me

It's just time, one tik, one tok,
a movement of hands-on life's big clock.
As each tomorrow becomes today,
is our destined end on its way.

Shadows forming around the edges of my life.
I've seen enough of pain and strife.
What's to do when sleep refuses you,
night after night devouring time too.

A heavy sigh escapes echos of reproof,
My lids are heavy but my mind is aloof.
A void against the glass the rain did beat and bicker,
driving my taste for some more corn-licker.

To drown my conscience in another batch,
to start the day again from scratch.
Just to sleep if only for a few,
there's only so much I can do.
Stop focusing on the other person and control your own world.
270 · Aug 2020
November Rain
Terry Richardson Aug 2020
November Rain
by Intoxcy8me
She slowly walks in November's rain,
With scars endless rhythm of her pain.
With the love of the storm, she turns,
Raindrops of tears surely burn.

Lightning flashes through the sky,
My how time seems to fly.
Our steps in sync can be found,
To our home, we are bound.

With a touch of pain, she cries,
Rain on flesh and hair and eyes
When the joy of walking she replies,
Has taken him by surprise.

She sings, she laughs, well I know why,
She is all he ever idolize.
As I shall not forget her now,
Our hands clench tighter somehow.

Our eyes shining as beacons of love,
Those two words I dream of.
We stroll on just for the sake of fun,
Our walk in the rain we start to run.

Thunderous roars fill the air,
The sky lights up everywhere.
Our laughter quells the noise,
With a true love overjoys.
Written for my wife, lupus is her battle in life.
252 · Aug 2020
Dreams into Words
Terry Richardson Aug 2020
I was placed into a dream,
and nothing was what it really seems.
As I went deep yet deeper still,
Its lasting longer than you think they will.

I can still envision it in my mind,
like a cinema being streamlined.
Well-defined as I lay reclined,
played out by this Mastermind.

Designing this Dream World,
intriguing scenes, my words are hurl'd.
As if the lines were inscribed pointed the way,
inside their very goodness burnes the day.

Before I was shone by this Mastermind,
while still in bed, my body completely reclined.
Completely fascinated by what I was hearing and seeing,
veil after veil undrawn to discover your reason for being.

The inmost naked beauty of the meaning never exposed,
still bathed in its moonlight slumber, secrets were disclosed.
How can I best serve this Universe today?
With love and kindness, I dedicate myself in each and every way
Dreams sometimes do lead the way for our tomorrows.
187 · Aug 2020
Love and Despair
Terry Richardson Aug 2020
Some days are dark and clouded,
Stars fear to shine and the moon is shrouded.
My joy has gone I force out a smile,
Within the storms of life, I wait a little while.
Some days, even moments, I'm filled with despair,
The sadness of the hour makes it harder to bear.
Everywhere I turn, I see no way out,
I was torn apart with despair, or doubt.
These things have destroyed my hope,
I can't find a way to cope.
My inner struggle between hope and despair,
Becoming more though hard to bear.
I cry and shed my tears,
As panic bells ring in my ears.
She found me sitting all alone,
Wondering if anything was wrong.
A fake smile is all I could do,
While contemplating an 'I Love You'.
Before I could turn to speak,
She wiped a tear from my cheek.
With her gentle fingertips,
She hushed my quivering lips.
Deep into my eyes, she stared,
Told me how much she cared.
Whenever we are together,
Wishing the moment would last forever.
You give me a smile when it seems impossible,
I hear your voice saying anything is possible.
Showed me light in life that I'd never seen before,
Something that my heart and soul had been longing for.
The way you sheltered my soul from the rain,
As you cleared away the storm ridding my pain.
You heal the beating of my broken heart,
Painting a smile on my face like a piece of art.
Releasing all the emotions trapped inside,
All my feeling that I'd always try to hide.
Sweet music played as I looked into your eyes,
I could see the man who was hidden in disguise.
The Savior who had fallen from heaven above,
Is now the angel who helped me believe in love.
After all the broken hearts, and lessons learned, memories burned, can we again open our hearts and risks love's deceit?

— The End —