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  Feb 2021 Charlie Black
Paras Bajaj
The emptiness in my eyes,
The truth behind my lies,
The fall before my rise,
And the goodbyes;

It scares me.

The dark beneath my skin,
The light within my sins,
The voice that loudly sings,
And my broken wings;

It scares me.

The wounds I can't heal,
The pain I can't feel,
The loss I can't deal,
And when I am real;

It scares me.

The silence in my little talks,
The stillness in my moonlit walks,
The thought of separate ways,
And my numbered days;

It scares me.

The demons under my bed,
The words spinning in my head,
The blood in my sweat,
And my cold breath;

It scares me.

-Paras Bajaj #PoetrybyParas
Instagram : @mr.parasbajaj
Charlie Black Feb 2021
I love you so much it hurts
Love isn't like this in the books
Or the movies
Or the songs
You're my only reason for being
Whilst I am something fun to play with when bored
You walk in the room and I am left no choice but to surrender
I forget anyone
I do this all for you
Your time and attention
Your words and intentions
Constant echoes that never leave my body
So sacred in everything you are and do
I am never happier or more alive than in your presence
And so as soon as you leave my side
All my wounds open back up
I'm replaced with a ghost
Bleeding and broken
Shattered into more pieces
Waiting for you to come and put me back together all over again
And we'll repeat our merry dance
Until I can no longer make you smile
Until I can no longer show you how much I love you
Until you have had enough of this game and chapter of life
And found someone new
Someone better
Someone whole
This is our Broken dance
Please don't leave me black and blue
Tell me what to do, so I can hold on to you
Charlie Black May 2020
To look up at the stary sky
And wonder what it's like to die
Everyday we stand to tempt fate
The wind is there to help us translate

Up in the heavens, amongst the clouds
Or down below, with nothing allowed
Always in between, taken to purify
It's all for the sake of a mother's lullaby

We're not so different from the moon
None of us will ever be immune
Constantly changing, uncertain, cratered by imperfections
We're all just looking for connections

And what's the chance we'll ever meet?
Maybe life is just too bittersweet
Okay, I know I haven't posted in a very long time and I'm sorry for that. I hope everyone likes this. It's the first thing I've written in months. Hope you're all staying safe x
Even the biggest hearten can be hallow on the inside.

But I don't even have a heart.
In the End, It will all fit together.
It's ironic really, how all truths can so easily become lies.
In the End, It will all fit together.
It's odd how destruction can seem so beautiful.
In the End, It will all fit together.
Dark places often comfort dark people.
In the Enf, It will all fit together.
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