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 Jan 15 Raven
Stephen Cooper
predator watching, waiting
yet statuary stillness
belies instant readiness
the moment to strike
action, a blue-orange flash
with beauty, death's killer splash
'ere serenity resting
 Jan 15 Raven
Unravel me like ribbons and bows,
Unravel my heart, my mind, and my soul.

You'll dance around every nerve in my brain, delicately driving me madly insane.

It's honey dripped words, it's deep chestnut eyes, a delicious combination I've slowly realized.

It's the way you made art, from the strands of my heart, I'm not made of steel, you reminded me what it is to feel.

Yet something so good, so yummy, divine,
Is easily tainted, like overnight wine.

And I want to be entangled whispering late into the night, but that's hard to do when everything's a fight
It started with my clothes,
Then soon came my heart,
But you've unraveled my mind,
And that's the hardest part.
 Jan 14 Raven
I am but a wisp of smoke
Swirling boundless
To and fro

Out of the fire
A non-corporeal host

Stinging eyes
Burning nose
Cough me out
Or start to choke

I am but a wisp of smoke

Another cloud
Another soul
Into thin air
Watch me flow

Out the window
And down the road!

Surely I was
A wisp of smoke...
Traveler 🧳 Tim
My avatar wrote this..

PS all those things this writing made you think were intentionally design by a wisp of smoke..
 Jan 14 Raven
Let's go back to nihilism, shall we?
Where everything doesn't matter and will never matter.
Not even your presence
Your absence
Your excellence
Not even my ignorance
My obsolescence
My essence

Let's go back to existentialism, shall we?
Where everything doesn't have meaning and will never have.
Not even your eyes
Your smiles
Your scars
Not even my part
My hurt
My heart

You simply exist
I simply here
It's not destined
It's not meant
We simply bumps into eachother in this chaotic world
Like particles in a vessel, the world is heating up.
They collided more often.

And that
Doesn't mean a thing.
 Jan 14 Raven
S R Mats
Though racked and broken,
Bringing words of wisdom spoken
Like a prophet crying out in the wilderness.

With a reputation for cleverness, lo,
Thought to be vexatious by some, numb,
Carry on in a wasteland, with hums slow.

Hail the great lyric poets, those actual,
For the rhythms of an old poet, practical,
Are somewhat freer, more natural,

And filled with absolute truths.
 Jan 14 Raven
Harry Gione
 Jan 14 Raven
Harry Gione
Time is a starving god
And each year she becomes more savage
Her gluttonous face stuffing
My years drip from her cheeks
As if my slow aging is payment for my existence
I give a year to live the next
Turning life onto a sacrificial death
To appease an ever unsatisfied deity
A mindless consumer of the harshest variety
 Jan 14 Raven
Mrs Timetable
Would you prefer to be
The introduction,
A fascinating chapter,
The illustrations
The conclusion,
Or the epilogue?
The prequel,
The sequel?
We are all designed
For a part
In everyone's
Life chapters
 Jan 14 Raven
we’re fallen angels
we rebelled
we stood our ground
we got expelled

the sky above us is a void
irrational air is quite paranoid
in blood we’re lying on the floor
we know it won’t be as before

though it is our first time living
sky doesn’t seem to be forgiving
in everlasting quiet pain
we pray for the spark in the rain

to hear in deathly silence noise…
oh i can tell my mind destroys
i’m used to climb most fragile wall
i can predict next time i fall

oh do u really think i’m fake?
then watch me drowning in the lake
eternal peace under water
you’re wrong by calling it slaughter

right, i’ve got better things to do
but i’m stuck looking for what’s true
thoughts every second, every hour
what are the chances to recover?

morbid temptation lights a spark
but i’m in ruins – whatever.
i know! i know that i’m desperately trapped
do i care to resist?
almost never

i’m ready for sudden explosion
i step into my fog of poison
can’t tell if some day it will disappear
i tend to explore what’s never been real

i’m used to question every feeling
my swollen rage was never healing
i’m used to deny
i’m used to repress
do rotten kids sometimes get blessed?

we tolerated darkest hours
refused to bury ugly flowers
what’s left in our hearts is only despair
we’re innocent
this is unfair

what was the day it all went wrong?
i was never really aware
first time i felt that i didn’t belong?
back then i didn’t beware

too late to escape (i know)
too early to rage (not at all)
let’s go insane
we’ve done such a mess
let’s laugh in the eyes of the death

u know it’s just the way i feel
i’m drained of suffering
i wanna heal
but something sinister won’t lemme breathe
it’s so evil angels would freeze

no wonder i lost my reflection
shadow is the only connection
sometimes i wish i could just disappear
as if my existence was never real

it’s total eclipse of the heart
is there a reason to wake up?
is this just a phase?
well, it doesn’t matter
living just in case things get better
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