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Gorba Dec 2024
Perché? Permesso?
Ormai, ci ** pensato un po’
Se non sbaglio
Una notte invece di un anno, una settimana o un giorno
Non a caso
Perché è proprio nel buio
Che un raggio di luce si vede meglio

Una notte per mettere ordine nel mio pensiero
Far sì che in un modo o nell’altro
Io riesca a rivelare il fatto
Che il motivo
Il motivo per cui voglio averti
Alla fine, forse non ce l’**

E penso che vada bene così
Che tutte le cose
Non vadano per forza sempre spiegate
Che se un ragionamento razionale non c’è
Almeno si può fingere che i sassi
Pur di essere presenti
E spesso troppo ingombranti
In realtà, non siano da soli
Che il cervello a volte faccia spazio
A qualcosa che potrebbe essere emozioni
Anzi, sensazioni viscerali
Che, fortunatamente o purtroppo
Rimangono sempre fuori
Di portata, come di solito
I sogni da bambini

E se importasse poco il perché?
Se fosse solo il riflesso dell’amore che stravince?
Che ci fa vivere
Che ci fa sentire
Che ci fa provare
Che ci fa volare
Fra le nuvole

Vita dà vita
Che prima o poi se ne va
Per iniziare un nuovo ciclo
Che persevererà lo stesso
Che tu te ne accorga o meno
Quindi, a volte non ci serve
Torturare la mente
Meglio accettare le cose
Per ciò che sono
In questo caso, il più bel regalo del mondo
Comunque, benvenuto Hugo.
This is my first text in Italian. I've been learning this language for two years now, and the "watershed" moment finally happened last week. Two or three other texts in Italian should follow. Well, if I don't lose on the way, as usually happens. Stay put! Or better, a presto!
Gorba May 2023
I don’t know most things
Having been infected by a virus called ignorance
From the very moment I came into existence
Wreaking havoc on my direct surroundings
Borrowing the names of family, friends, acquaintances
Fellow contenders for defeating the exact same disease

Too often transitory symptoms manifest themselves
Reminding me I’m not cured, and probably never will be
Despite these books accumulating on those familiar shelves
Obvious solution to our shared tragedy
Namely, being aware of our known unknowns
And unbothered by the gaping hole formed by our unknown unknowns
Sparing our master contraption practicing under the alias “black box”
From debilitating pains, the need for detox

Depicting a situation that appears as gloomy
I realize there are still reasons to be happy
One is that my evident individual ignorance
Actually, vanishes into our collective knowledge
That modestly admitting my shortcomings acts as penance
Granting me what could be considered as a privilege

As I, as we, may and should always learn
Allowing our innate curiosity to indefinitely churn
Helping us endlessly push the bounds of technology
Making ancient dreams a reality
Past miracles a present triviality
Former impossibles a current maybe.
Gorba Aug 2021
Organelles, cells, tissues, organs shape my body
My soul, my brain, my heart, my identity
A living mass and a concept ineluctably associated
Without necessarily working adequately together
To build something close to a character
That is, by some, tolerated, by a few, appreciated
Never reaching any sort of unanimity
Leaving the volume of possible interpretations as plenty

Context strictly guides aspects of my behavior
Adding an extra ‘s’ to my idiosyncrasy that primarily seems out of place
When being singular is often what wins the race
Launched by our most ancient ancestor

Am I one or plural?
Do I have one personality or several?
Am I what I think or what I do?
What others see or what I expose?
An ignorant mind with a decent prose
Or a curious man who has no clue?

Asking a question is to get closer to an answer
That might emerge in a distant future
In the meantime, I try to be and do good
To put my loved ones in the best possible mood
Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail
But my stubborn intention will always prevail
Gorba May 2021
Allongé sur le sol, la tête dans les étoiles
Des mouvements de va-et-vient et mon cœur qui s’emballe
Ma fréquence respiratoire, graduellement, accélère
Des gémissements m’échappent, j’ai besoin d’air

Plus long que bon
Suis-je parfois amené à penser
Quand proche de l’abandon
Je sens mes bras tressaillir, prêts à lâcher

Un assortiment, lentement, se diversifie et se développe
Tant qu’il pourrait en remplir une échoppe
Attraction, passion, bouffée de neurotransmetteurs
Si je le pouvais, je le ferais durer des heures

L’environnement disparaît inéluctablement
Derrière un voile de sueur et de concentration
Un événement moins futile qu’il ne paraît initialement
Amenant la réalité a largement dépassé la fiction
Puisque rien ne vaut le fait d’être dans l’action
Et d’en ressentir directement tous les frissons

Mes pensées lentement s’évaporent puis se condensent
Formant un épais nuage qui obstrue toute forme d’illumination
Et projette un voile sombre et dense
Recouvrant délicatement ma raison
Faisant ainsi que tout importe, sauf la compréhension
De ce qui excite ma tendre dévotion
Gorba Apr 2021
You are unique and amazing
You make the impossible happen
You manage to make love rhyme with forever
Make the happiest man on Earth even happier
And as carefree as juvenile children
Without any more effort than being
Gorba Feb 2021
I don’t want to miss my morning kiss
The bliss that strikes when I feel your lips
The warmth your body brings to mine
The composure you instill into my mind
Being addicted sounds wonderful
When the drug is molded into you
The effect upsettingly powerful
I can’t seem to have enough, can you?
Am I being foolish, now?
Am I unconsciously only gazing at the surface
To avoid thinking about what’s actually happening deep down?
Is the drug rather love and you my methadone?
The only treatment I need, my antidote
To a disease I would recommend
To anyone, man or woman
I could be lost anywhere
Be deprived of a map or compass
Alone somewhere on this restless landmass
Food or drink would be nothing but secondary
I would have only one priority,
I'd know where to go,
I’d find a way,
It’d be easy.
Gorba Dec 2020
My angel has dark hair
She lends me her seemingly invisible wings
Sending my mind high up gliding in the air
Her presence or absence act like a switch
Triggering a proclivity for mood swings
When she’s there, it flips, and there is no glitch

My angel is a guardian
She holds the entire deck of cards
Among them, my heart
It beats at her sight
It slows when we part
It bleeds if she’s sad
Hanging on her plan

My angel is human
With a robe and a fan
Blowing away my doubts
Making me proud
Of the guy that I am
When she’s by my side

This description is too short, not exhaustive, not fair
For one that changed it all, my angel with dark hair.
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