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Apr 2019 · 236
The Color Pink
Jakob Dimick Apr 2019
The color pink reminds me of you.
Your soft skin.
Your smooth voice.
A voice not without passion,
With a soothing quality.
Like a soft, warm blanket on a cool autumn day.
Curled up on the couch with a cup of warm cocoa.
It reminds me of your hugs.
The way your arms wrap around me.
It reminds me of how sweet your kiss is.
The comfort I feel when I’m close to you,
I’ve never felt anything quite like this before.
But what color am I?
Do we match?
We must in some way.
It feels so right.
At least it does to me.
I never thought I’d like the color pink this much.
But I do.
It reminds me of you.
Thought I might have been able to be with him. Now not so much. But who knows, the world surprises us.
Apr 2019 · 164
Jakob Dimick Apr 2019
I lay awake at night,
Talking to the ceiling,
As if it understands.
I look at it,
Waiting for Tomorrow.
“A new day of adventure!” I tell myself.
“A new day of acceptance...”
Will the sun show itself like a newborn fresh to the world?
Or, will it hide like someone who’s seen too much?
Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
Or does tomorrow ever come…
This was actually a five-minute poem because I procrastinated to write one for a class right before it was due. Luckily I got an A and she loved it. Hope you will too
Apr 2019 · 299
My Perfect Boy
Jakob Dimick Apr 2019
As I look up at the sky,
All I do is wonder, “Why?”
Why do I have to be so gay?
Is it just to ruin the perfect day?

Or is there a reason,
So much greater,
That I couldn’t be
Just a little straighter?

As I stumble through this dreadful week,
I curse the sky, so dark, so bleak.
I wait for the day of bliss and joy,
That I might find my perfect boy.
Apr 2019 · 312
His Smile
Jakob Dimick Apr 2019
As the stars are not for me,
His Smile is for the World to see.
And if he gives me just one glance,
I know it would only be by chance.

                                                                                  Jakob Dimick 4/14/2019
This was written at a time where I had a huge crush on a boy and I knew it wasn't gonna work because he was straight and I wasn't. I guess it was a way to cope and get my feelings clear.

— The End —