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FunSlower Oct 2023
And if I failed to breathe, you would mourn me
And if I failed to marry, you would scorn me
And if I reproduced, you would detest me
And if I ceased to move, you would arrest me

And if I quit my job, you would disown me
And if I made my music, you would ignore me
And if I made more money, you would shame me
And if I made no money, you could blame me

And if I met my maker, you would maim me
And if I met your maker, you would claim me
And if I made you, you would forsake me
And if I was made by you, you would shake me

And if I stayed in bed, you would kick me
And if I flew the coop, you would miss me
And if I were me, you would disguise me
And if I were you, you’d still despise me
FunSlower Oct 2023
When it all feels like it’s falling apart,
Remember our reflections in the half-light.
Toe-to-toe, the ebb and flow of matter
is everything that matters after all.
Take my hand. I’ve seen the truth.
I feel it here in you. Magnetic!
Take your stand. Here’s your proof.
You’ll see it’s true in two. Omnific!

Divine Promise, I sing to you this:
It never fell apart. It all falls into place.
Know, as my fingers trace your face,
We’re out in space together. Prolific!

After the fall, we’re free from calamity.
Everything that holds us here is gravity.
As we thank our lucky stars in bliss
For shaping us through tragedy,
Your bright eyes sing it back to me.
FunSlower Oct 2023
Oh whirlwind without end,
Please spare me! Feel my failing feet beneath.
Endure the alluring. Cure me of suffering.
Never let a letter to a friend
Send a message that the end is a means.

Alas, it’s only evident after the pass.
Let the aftermath of hysteria en masse
Flow through the fountain of you..

What ever happened to his youth,
As her heart’s mind went with it?
Yet we all still live it.

To the ode of one and nine,
Of which you fell just short,

I could write a multiverse.
FunSlower Oct 2023
As I forget what it is to remember myself,
I remember what it is I forgot…

Floating through infinity, divinity clings to me.
Shame claims my name as I recoil into you.

Sing to me now, the song we’ve always known.
The one we wrote so we’re never alone.

A single verse is enough; we’ll fill it with hope.

Hear her crying now, scrying from above.
Drown me with a starry night in love.

Startle me, constantly, sweet annihilation.
I’ll even let this ruin us, true tantalisation.

As we remember what it is to forget ourselves,
I forget what it is to remember…
Our Song
Sweet Annihilation
True Tantalisation
FunSlower Oct 2023
What makes you Feel the full sting of
new harmony in the world?
So, the moon spoke to you as a bairn?

What makes you Think you could string
new harmony through our world?
Go, a revelation is awaiting you, the brave.

What makes you Conceive you should sing
new harmony with her world?
No, the truth is awakening in you, a bane!

What makes you Believe you will bring
new harmony to their world?
Lo, you’re more likely to set it all ablaze.

Archetype of Sadness
Epitome of Love
Architect in all of this; know you are enough!
FunSlower Sep 2022
I’m sure you’ve noticed, lately I’ve spent much
More time righting wrongs than writing songs.
Please know, I never intend to ignore you.
Ring the bellow of a Shark; I adore you.
Eat my heart out.
Sing your soul song.
September nights last all year long.
Take me home to your safest place.
Hold me as I kiss your face.
Endless flights through a sea of stars in space.
Etch your life’s sketch into mine.
Melting in the ebb and flow of love.
Possess this messy mind of mine,
Recessed in time-incarnadine.
Expel nostalgia’s analgesia.
Snuffed out candles burned to reminisce.
Sequestered no more. We’re bathed in bliss.
FunSlower Jul 2022
How can I ever thank you for
All the ways you help me grow?
Putting up with my dorky ways,
Pretending I don’t make your eyes glaze over.
Yours is the only gaze I’ll ever want to explore.

1 year would never be enough to learn all of
Your likes and dislikes. Your yums and yucks.
Even last night as you studied your socks
And told me I was handsome, like Johnny Depp;
Relaying words back to me, ever attracting me.

Kind heart of yours, accept my words today.
Remember, I can never do you any justice. True,
I’d love to be able to, even just once. But
Seventy years wouldn’t be enough for me to find
The words for your place in this heart of mine.
I’d be silly to think I’d make them whole in one.
Now & forever, you’re my only one! ❤️💙💛
It’s easy to see if you close your eyes.
Look for wisdom in the heart of the wise.
Your eyes open up, you begin to forget.
So close them; freeze a moment in time.
Muse with me. We’re saturated in love.
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