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Freya Adwin May 2019
I knew it.
I knew you'd say that.
I knew you'd go off
and get all mad
and then I'd go soft
with my thousand apologies.
We both know how it's going to go,
so why do we still do it?
A continuous cycle,
a downwards spiral.
The same dialogue,
it's getting old.
The pages of the script
are yellowing and curling
further unfurling
a story already told.
And yet,
here we are.
It's the same every time.
Its unchanging,
not even rearranging!
And still,
here we are.
You're further defending,
I'm further descending
into my guilt but
who's really wrong in these petty situations?
Of course if it was you, though,
you'd never admit it.
But honestly,
Who cares?
These petty little arguments.
It's ridiculous, at this point.
And, of course,
I know I'm doing it, too, but,
You know it takes two
to argue,
yet you'll still act like it's not you.
And no matter what I do,
if I defend myself
or let my guard down,
you remain the same.
You'll claim
that it's just me wronging you.
Why can't you see
it's really both of us?
It's so dumb.
It really is.
But here we are,
running through the script
once again.
Just let it end!
My friend and I get into these stupid arguments and it goes the same way every time. I ddont know why we still do it but we do. It's so dumb.
Freya Adwin Apr 2019
The burn
of skin,
the smell concerns
your friends and family.
They know they’re next, but
they’ll try their best
to fight me off
but I'll bite off
chunks of their skin
to reveal their succulent blood
that lies within.
Let it pour over my tongue,
let the taste
my thoughts
they melt away
with the bitter taste of ****** on my lips.
My mind-
it’s twisted!
as your skin between my teeth.
The smell-
They claim it reeks but
its all I live for!
It's just a shame it's what they die for.
Just another murderous poem, those are my favorites. People are gonna start thinking I'm mentally deranged or something if I keep this up lol.
Freya Adwin Apr 2019
What a beautiful day.
The bright blue sky
in place of the gray
that once took place yesterday.
The wind,
its brisk.
Let it whisk me away
from this world
and it's cruelty,
its injustice.
Life isn't going right
so I look to the sky
and say,
“What a beautiful day…”
Wishing I could coexist
be at peace,
just be free!
One with nature,
away from all the idiocy
of an unjust world.
My escape this pen to paper.
I dont remember what was wrong then but I do know that nature is so peaceful even when life is up on its end andd I love that. I love to wrote about the weather and nature.
Freya Adwin Apr 2019
Full of kinetic energy,
and fantastical vibrancy.
Once it lands,
it's up again
in swirling inks
too quick to truly be seen.
Color the leaves of trees,
cover the blades of grass,
coat the feathers of peacocks.
Make it better
with the color
of full liveliness!
I found a pen that wrote in green ink and this is what came to mind.
Freya Adwin Apr 2019
Snow in the Spring.
Cold flakes fall on
warmly colored petals.
The bright blue sky
lost somewhere in the cold winds.
When Spring began,
I guess the Winter didn't end.
The two seasons fight for power
of the weather
back and forth
and once again
until finally,
Spring overpowers
see the blooming flowers
scare off the bitter winds, but,
until then,
we have
snow in the Spring.
It was snowing but it was Spring a d this is what came to mind. I'm a bit backed up on poems to post on here so I'm doing it all now.
Freya Adwin Mar 2019
Love isn't where my heart resides.
I don't look and sing to the skies.
I'm not capable of blind love and faith,
believe me, I've tried,
but, in fear, I put up a fight.
I've cut myself loose of all I considered
possibly rotten
but really my soul is the one rotting.
My stomach eats away at itself
I can't stomach this anymore.
In panic, I hide inside myself.
A leap of faith,
I cannot take
for I fear of falling into a well.
So my soul and mind
end up drowning in themselves.
Hopefully one day I learn to trust again.
Maybe one day I can fully love my friends.
and hold them with both hands
trust them with my heart and soul.
Maybe soon I can look them in the eye
without checking for deceptions or lies but until then,
I'll hide away in this hole.
Freya Adwin Mar 2019
I can never tell
who's right,
who's wrong.
I can never tell
whether to fight
or get along.
So I'll fight away
any emotion I feel.
and come off rash and unappealed.
I feel the need to protect myself.
I walk around with my
fists up,
knife in hand,
gun in pocket.
Just knock it off!
Yeah, I want to love you again
but you did me *****
so, of my forgiveness,
you are unworthy.
Same old person everytime. God, I'm tired of feeling this way, its exhausting.
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