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 Jul 2014 Farnok
Andrew Durst
For about six years,
I haven't been able to control my emotions.
For about six years,
I've struggled to wake-up in the mornings without wanting to change who I am.
For about six years,
I have given-up every single poistive thing about me
because I am hooked.
For about six years,
I thought I was cool.
For about six years,
I thought my life was riding high on "Cloud-9"
For about six years,
I've been dependent on any chemical that will alter my mind.
For about six years,
I've struggled to look at my own reflection.
For about six years,
I've made my family cry and push me away.
For about six years,
I've watched friends come and go.
For about six years,
I've been lying to the people I love.
For about six years,
My life has been nothing but a blur.

For about six years,
I've wanted to stop.

And today
will be
Addiction is a disease and I'll be ****** to let anyone tell me differently.
 Jul 2014 Farnok
Andrew Durst
seems like

I'm not
and I'm
a fool
May 16th, 2014.
 Jul 2014 Farnok
A C Leuavacant
She turned off the mist
It seemed
In the morning hour
Of a Californian day
Where the beat of cars passing
Outweighs that of
the mechanical beauty industry
Where dry cracked swimwear
Rests on Los Angeles' golden sand
And where the sun has ran away
To somewhere a lot more sane
And less powerful

She had had enough
So she collected her last tax refund
And packed her case with paper bills and not much else
Called on an old favour
from an old friend
Who drove her away
To somewhere not far
But far enough

In Oakland
The streets were unknown
And she liked that idea
Dragging herself through the day
Without stopping to think
Or admire the views
she didn't care much for beauty
Not to mention love
And was happy enough to die alone  
Which she did
She left at seventy three
Buried in a plain black coffin
With no one to wish her goodbye
Or well done for starting a life alone
  Just herself
Under the Californian brown earth
Where the sun had begrudgingly returned
Not sure how I feel about it. Just a thought about people.
 Jul 2014 Farnok
Poetic T
What are words
With out the
Thought to use them..
 Jul 2014 Farnok
Andrew Durst
I could have really used a shoulder to lean on;
Even though I was at home,
I still managed to feel completely alone.
And as I lied there, with thoughts about suicide and everything I've done wrong racing through my brain,
I never once bothered to make a call.

Now I'm not entirely certain as to why I never reached out to anyone when I needed someone the most.
I'm just starting to believe that maybe no one would had even cared,
        at all.
 Jul 2014 Farnok
Poetic T
You think you know me
Think I'm the joker of the pack,
Reading me isn't easy,
Many faces do I put up
To hide the many cracks that rise,
But I hide behind laughter, anger just below
I have to keep control.
Never to lose an inch, never to explode,
I am a puddle, calm on the surface
But turbulent under that,
I am a shallow lake
But all you see is a refection
Not really seeing what stirs beneath that,
Do not
Think you know my troubles
That lie just beneath the cracks,
Deep breaths,
Holding the tears back,
I wish to put it behind me
But times it runs, comes from behind,
Hitting me hard in the back.
Winding my emotions
Tears and rage flow
Take control
You stole a part of me
Something that even with time I can never get back.
 Jul 2014 Farnok
heather leather
“Are you OK?” “Yeah.”
Not really, but you wouldn't understand

“How are you feeling?” “Great.”
Terrible but I can’t tell you because you’d ask why

“Where’d you get that cut?” “Rollerblading accident.”
That’s always the perfect excuse

“Is there anything you’d like to confess to?” “No.”

“Do you regret anything?” “Yeah, going ice skating.”
Being born.

“Have you felt sad lately?” “No, I’m really happy.”
I feel sad all the time

“Why were you crying?” “Just finished a sad book.”
You don’t want to know

“What book?” “Looking For Alaska.”
The book that told the story of my life

“Are you sure you’re OK?” “Definetly.”
*Definitely not
My first poem like this. I don't know...but it's really hard for me to like any of my poems. Thoughts?
 Jul 2014 Farnok
Poetic T
I speak to the mountains,
I tell them of my troubles,
They seem to be blown away
In to the clouds,
I do from time to time
Shouts words, from up high,
Bellow them out loud,
In to the mountains
And away in to the sky,
The one I love to come
Back is the sound of
The mountains speak,
I shout with all my might
Because they never judge,
They listen to what I say in
And laugh,
And the echo comes full swing
 Jul 2014 Farnok
 Jul 2014 Farnok
Everyone seeks it
Yet people scarcely
Use it
It is manipulated
By the world we

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