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 Nov 2017 Mystic904
You came slowly,
without making a noise.
Made a home inside my heart,
Didn't gave me a choice.
I didn't even realise,
Until it was too late.
Never in my life,
Have I ever took a bait.
You became my reason to smile,
You eyes became my reason to keep going with my life.
Your laughter became music to my ears,
Your dedication took away my reasons to fear.
You became the beating of my heart,
You became every wish I asked to the stars.
You became the centre of my universe,
You became the reason for my existence.
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
When my eyes become tired
And my hair turns grey
Do feel the days I've cried
And lost track on my pray

You chose to leave
Even when I opted
You made me believe
In love and feelings, I adapted

Years have past
Where have you gone?
Silence surrounds so fast
My heart, all wretched and torn

Your promises has gone in vain
Each of which you sealed with a kiss
The thoughts, now have become a pain
As this heart mourns for you I miss...

 Nov 2017 Mystic904
Star BG
Take a breath and allow yourself to focus on your greatness then continue in your day.
Just a thought in this creative hearts mind.
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
Pencil Poet
Once upon a time
‘Expose’ was to absorb moments.
Word and deed
Are now adulterated.
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