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21/F/Arizona    a fun form of self-expression!!!
15/F/—-    The only girl who isn’t depressed on this site.
F/Christchurch, New Zealand    An avid reader, sometime traveller, and urban photographer. Have spent most of my life writing essays. Maybe I can write something else? Overly fond of …
54/M/Pickens SC    A late-life transfemme queer poet , writer , and dancer with a passion to find myself and support fellow travelers.
Barton D Smock
48/M/Columbus, Ohio    write daily at / I'm serious if you are.
27/FTM    Wanna-Be Romantic reaching for the Sublime
23/torontoish    dave berman said to write twenty lines a day so here i am, failing miserably at that
K Lupus
M/Davao    I want to write
24/M/South Africa    Every atom corresponds to bring our ideal into being.
Brianna Love -aka Stormy Angel
My Dear Wordvango: Yours is the light by which my spirit’s born: - you are my sun, my moon and all my stars ~ e.e. …
17/Genderqueer/Your local grocery store    he/him
66/M/London England    Lady J collection now published
Mario William Vitale
48/M/Wolcott, Ct    The language and images of Mario Vitale's poetry are so closely bound to the natural cycles of seasons, of generations, of the body's functioning, that …
eva-mae coffey
S Olson
sheila sharpe
74/F/Kegworth    I have now written so many poems, but intend to write still more. I focus on feelings, memories, conservation, and a sense of desperation as …
Herbie Mackentire
In the minds of believers    I'm here for the verbs
beth fwoah dream
England    i love writing. i try to let my subconscious write the poems. born may 1969.
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