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You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep my faith will stand
And I will call upon Your Name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine
 Jul 2023 Edmund black
I pull up the covers
turn down the light
and hold the poems gently
through the lonely dream filled night
I cannot escape memories
Absence haunts all I do
When eyes close your face is what mind sees
Every place I go there are traces of you
No matter where I go or what I do I feel you there
I miss you, I miss my happiness
I miss my life when I was boundless
I miss you, I miss my youthfulness
I miss my past when everything was endless

I am tired, tired of my illnesses
I am tired, tired of this loneliness
My eyes are dry, void of tears;
I am alone, everyone is heartless

I long for the days when I felt beautiful
I long for my dream that was delightful
I miss the smile that brought joy to others;
You all are happy I feel helpless

I miss my kids, I miss my parents
I miss the days when I would meet friends
I am a lonely soul like the prisoners;
Everyone is grown up I am hopeless

I miss you, I miss your memories
I miss you, I miss our love stories
I feel so down, I needed your arms;
Nothing is left to me, I am loveless
Inspired by Kim
my palm remained in your palm

simply, it was blind  luck
great luck

* before becoming literate
we had time,
we had time to cultivate ourselves
on the taste of the stones
 Jul 2023 Edmund black
When it’s time, you’ll know, i’ll be standing there with a no longer heavy heart, with sparkles in my eyes, my feet barely touching the ground, with nothing above but a beautiful blue sky, i’ve came a long way before, left so many behind, been through a lot, & never gave up. Counted the blessings & lost the count, consistently loved what i do, & went with all of my heart to get what i want, so now i can stand there and be proud of who i’ve become, stand there and finally leave it all behind.
but you can
let her pet y like a stray cat
  enchanted by its power and its sad beauty,
it enters your fur,
lets her shadow fall in your arms, -  wake up,
wake up,

y  adopt her as your muse
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