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 Oct 2018 Eachmilidh
a kiss
a cry

i'll miss
your smile
i loved
your eyes
such sweet

i fell
you climbed
drop by

we kissed
we cried
i'll miss
your smile

this is
 Oct 2018 Eachmilidh
ghost girl
 Oct 2018 Eachmilidh
ghost girl
so torn between
two mouths
that I almost
would rather
choose neither.
 Jan 2018 Eachmilidh
 Jan 2018 Eachmilidh
Could this be a perfect day?
I'm out sitting on a cliff
Looking out into an expansive blue sky
White clouds adrift
The sun, so orange, on my skin,

Here on this cliff
I took everything I am attached to
Everything that is slowly eating away at who I truly want to be
And steadily,
One by one
I threw the things I love
Into the sky
And while I cried,
I also felt joy well up inside.
 Jan 2018 Eachmilidh
Lie to me.
Tell me I will be ok
Tell me how beautiful I look
I just want you,
To lie to me.
Say that you will never give me up again
Say that I don't annoy you guys
Because maybe if someone told me this,
Even as a lie,
I would believe it
And fell fine
 Jan 2016 Eachmilidh
Up goes the sun,
you know what that means?
In comes the noise
and out leaves the peace.
Day leaves the side of me
that is sweet.
Armor to shield the snakes coming for me.
Indigo movement for eternity.
Government failing us for we need to speak.
Dragging us down into the crypts of beneath.
A new world of unity our purpose to lead.
Believe in yourself for a real
life that will change the world until
your mark is made and fulfilled.

Wish they'd understand.
Could I live with myself if they don't?
Or go harder and write this message louder.
Fools chasin' these streets and white powder.
This city ain't a place I can show
the art that created my soul.
But it's the only way they'll know.
We can break the mold of typical society.
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