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You find the reason to everything and anything because
it makes you feel safe, but I
--can't kiss you without you
wanting to tell me that
my eyelids flutter because my eyes
get dry and they need to protect themselves from all the
pathogenic **** that flutters around me but I'm
really just trying to get a better look at you,

why don’t you let me look at you.

Then I begin to cry and you say why tears are tears,
and that you wanted a “simple life” with me  but
youre too busy identifying the complexity of things
that you can’t even feel because they lay within your heart, not your hands.

I’m right in front of you but your
voice begins to raise and you speak the science of presence
and you tell me that i’m your soulmate because your subconscious doesn't always feel so alone when i’m standing right beside
you and that you need me to survive but you
can't always kiss me because you’re too busy saying that the reason why
I think you taste good
when you kiss me is because
we meant are for each other.

While I’m in your arms you begin to analyze
my paragraph of life and how
it fits so perfectly beneath yours.
But then you rearrange your words
and place some in between mine
and then I realize I’m the just the loosely placed parenthesis around your
syntax of life.
 Apr 2014 Sail Away
I am a female
I am a ****** being
The two are, surprisingly
Not mutually exclusive.

A *****, a ****, a *****
As the society might describe it
Are words with the meaning
To keep women submissive.

I may ****  who I please
When I please
For whatever reason I so choose.
And it doesn't have a **** thing to do with you.

Heaven forbid I'm not viginistic
When my ring finger is bound
Because viginity is a 'gift'
I mustn't pass it round.

I must walk like a lady
And only **** who I love
But the boys can run freely
Kiss and tell and call me a ****.

He's been with eleven girls
And has a girlfriend on the side
I've been with two boys
And not at the same time.

A pat on the back for him
Because he's got all the *******
But social exclusion for me
Because my ****** nature is vicious.

God, I must be a *******
For actually speaking of ***
I'm a woman, we can't do that
But, ****, sometimes I forget.

See, I was raised to hold my head high
Without looking up.
I was raised to be ladylike, polite
And wait until I found love.

I was brought up to hold my tongue
I was trained not to take up space
I was taught not to roughhouse about
Or follow the boys' ways.

I was brought up to fear ***
Until I found love or was married
But what the **** is love or a ring
When I can't even get equality?

I was taught that I should be ashamed
If I thought sexually
And I shouldn't even consider trying

I was told to hide my body
Because women are to be pure
If I wasn't pristine, who would want me?
I'd be a lonely spinster.

My body is my own
To do with what I please.
So **** your expectations, Society;

*I will have equality
I am rather ******.
what happened to you?

your mind used to be a cemetery for boredom right next a maternity ward of inappropriate laughter.

you spoke like an owl was perched on your ribs, your wisdom was profound.

but what happened to you?

I named your lips nectar and honey and mine were two butterfly junkies trying to get a sugar high.

I could have sworn I heard  your name in the winds whisper through the leaves lips, but autumn came far too soon.

and when it seems like things want to get sweet again, time becomes a rehab for relapsing diabetics.

you were a beauty among beasts, a rainbow on an oil spill.

But even rainbows can't be out when the sun is not.
They say falling in love is not easy, but all it takes is a shot glass glance, and no sooner than later you’ll look at her profile in the dim light, and you’re in love.

Everything then becomes crimsoned, not because you are in a pub,
but rather because it is the shade of passion,
And no sooner than now, you are dreaming of throwing your hands beneath her dress,
and thinking of mouthing, “I love you” from your eyes, to hers.

But no, she does not walk up to you, and you feel that the stereotypical misconception of a woman never making the first move, is true.

This is a man’s work, you tell yourself, dubiously forgetting what too lies between your legs, is nothing that of a man.

You’re intoxicant now, perhaps from the four Pabsts you've downed because you’re cheap and cool,
and you are incoherently waltzing
on over to her, and of course she smiles,
either because you look like an idiot,
or because she is charmed.

You cup your hands on her face.
The skin is soft, she says nothing,
but feels warm.

This is not love. You’re just drunk.
I wish I was who you think of, when drunk.
 Apr 2014 Sail Away
Joe Cole
 Apr 2014 Sail Away
Joe Cole
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— The End —