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DAF Jul 2020
This morning I woke up
And didn't recognize the room
The smell though was familiar
***** spilling out of pores

I am not Happy

Though last night I seemed ecstatic
Spirited by spirits masking all the sadness
I wonder when the wheels fall off
If i can go the distance
Will inebriation take vacation
Will I be a statistic
DAF Oct 2020
It's 3:00am again
My head has not yet hit the pillow
I am unable to sleep as of late
Not quite sure why that is
Though my eyes
Plead to shut
My mind zig-zags
Across a thousand thoughts
Most of which include you
Most of which are make believe
Day dreams
That do not end when the sun sets
DAF Sep 2019
No the night is not done yet
On the counter there's some drugs left
Take a sip or sniff
Start mixing sins

Conversations while on substance
With no substance
Hold no weight

But to lift the weight that holds me down would take
Too many highs
I am afraid
DAF Oct 2022
life is fine
i see it pass
stoic nonetheless
qualifying strands of mind
seams begin to stress
did what i
no going back
sleepless i will rest
DAF Feb 2021
another draft
now sits in purgatory
along with the other
simply existing where
patience wore thin
and hope
is unwritten
DAF Jan 2021
as the pen tattoos the notebook page
bringing permanence to words
curiously i watch it sway
hoping one day to have the nerve
to say what's only written
DAF Jul 2020
beams of moon shoot down upon
these shoulders tense and knotted
help me heal both soul and body
bring health to what has rotted
knees on pavement i request
let rest find me as i travel
grant me peace as i lay
once i have been unraveled
DAF Sep 2019
Keep truth bottled up in a pen
It awaits escape
Penciling about the day
It will get to show its face
So truth is inside of the pen. Meanwhile it writes in hopes of one day being written.
DAF Aug 2020
nothing to live up to
save yourself
DAF Aug 14
swiftly do the thoughts creep
steady is their pace
march along to hit chords wrong
unruly and disgraced
vile creatures tip toe
purpose all aligned
danger for my cuticles
poison for my mind
DAF Aug 21
Heavy eyelids
Restless soul
The chase seems to have no end
Road to take determines
What’s around the bend
Circles have been etched
Deep into the mind
Round about once more
Habit has confined
Only I can save me
Only from myself
Few more miles this direction
Is my highway to hell
DAF Sep 2020
we were drinking coffee
i asked how she felt about tea
"i like certainty"
she replied
DAF Jun 2022
it’s been cloudy for so long
the rain now brings me comfort
hands reach out for shore
though the water holds me under
lungs still
heart beats through the chest
will there be a day
when i can finally rest
DAF Sep 2020
and now i only see you
in my memories and dreams
i know winter months are coldest
but late december really stings
frost bitten
not by weather but by temperature of shoulder
it is over
it is over
it is over
DAF Dec 2021
it was another time
unlike this one
unlike the next
DAF Mar 2019
being in love
with you
bad idea
DAF Mar 2021
Slowly she smiled less
Her stories became shorter
I could tell it was the end of ours.
DAF Sep 2019
write until I snap the pen
ink floods the card stock paper
borderline embracing                    
the deep blue embracing borderlines
then leaking on the table
DAF Oct 2020
Here's the truth.
I lied.
When I said my car broke down
My vehicle was fine
However I very much was not.
I apologize
It was just easier
To say it couldn't drive
Rather than I had no drive.
Much more relatable
Everyones had to replace a part or two
I wish fixing me were so simple
DAF Aug 2020
words don't do it justice
no sound vocal chords could make
would portray
the rising
tightness in my chest
the quickened pace of panic
anxiety swells around adams apple
DAF Aug 2020
only when it's silent
do the thoughts speak up
perhaps they hide
in boisterous mind
mummering amongst themselves
DAF Apr 2019
why are all my words gloomy?
aren’t there moments that are silver?
perhaps it is they pass too quick
mistaken just as grey
DAF Oct 2020
i am now lost
though not the way one is
when they take a wrong turn
for at least they were moving with intention

i am lost
in the sense
of having no direction
no destination to step towards
and this troubles me greatly

i am lost and in trouble
not the fun kind
i am not breaking any rules
but i can feel my soul breaking
becoming smaller with each passing day
for it knows i am not where i belong
though knows not
where to go
DAF Dec 2019
let it be
for now it seems as if it works
and if it works
i'd say its best to leave it as it were

content in context

there is something better i am sure
though i am uncertain how to get to it
so  i'll go with what occurs

content in context

but comparably unhappy
a move to makes
a move that shakes
the foundation i am standing
DAF Oct 2022
2am turns the bend
My mind begins the quiet
I lay awake with sober thoughts
That murmur amongst the silence

How am I?

Am I good?

Have I done enough of what I can?

Questions left uncertain
Destine to be ******
DAF Feb 2021
sometimes you catch a glimpse of it
the way things used to be
however fleeting
odd what gives rise to such occasions
if only one could hold it
DAF Aug 2020
there they go
though here i am
wishing they were too
setting sail for oceans new
it surely
will be
DAF Jun 2020
no such thing as perfect timing
sometimes things just happen to workout
poor timing though is tangible
just isn't right
right now
DAF Feb 2020
And if daylight never comes again
At least
I will be prepared
The days spent dark were punishing
Though now I won't be scared

Just as life gives lemons
Lemon aids
Shadows cast without a hue
Brought about the blues
DAF Mar 2019
tell me anything

                                                                                              just speak to me
             just your voice could make me weak at knees

                               but you stay silent all along
DAF Jan 2020
I try to stay away from casinos

Rolled the dice of life so many times
Why gamble anymore?
But when hearts race and faces flush
It always leaves me wanting more

I breathe to live
I do not live to breathe
Though I do like breathing quite a lot
It seems to be
That wagering

Helps to see if I am living life or not
DAF Mar 2019
you had me at hello                                           didn’t get to say goodbye
                          the greatest magic trick I’ve ever seen
                    don’t wonder how but why
DAF Oct 2019
sometimes the words
won't fall in line
others though
they just appear
as if they have always been so
DAF Dec 2020
and i was doing well!
well enough to hide i wasn't
ease concerns of those that learned
fine inside to never mind
DAF Jan 2020
of the damage
DAF Jun 2022
the pen sleeps soundly
still the ink remains restless
awaiting daylight
first go at a haiku
DAF Oct 2019
Blank Pages
Leave Lots Of Room For Prose
The Best Poems
Have Not Been Written Yet
DAF Jan 2020
however nevers
far too long
to promise i shall not
DAF Feb 2019
Tragic is the list of things
Sadness till it's Dizzying
DAF Apr 2020
darkness blankets sunsets
the time has come again
sunrise steals the cover
that time has come and went
DAF Mar 2019
conversations with the moon
such a night owl that one
awake until the the sun is up
back and forth about the past
DAF Sep 2020
Cigarette filled lungs
In hell with a smile
Ash covered fingertips
Might stay for a while
DAF Apr 2020
beginning to get drowsy
i can tell by the way my eyes
are begging to get to sleep
like when heartbreak asks for mercy
knowing it won't come
sorry this keeps getting taken down
DAF Mar 2019
sad again
but feel it less
ill take that as a sign
DAF Feb 2019
It felt like love
I'm almost certain that is was
Still there are those times where almost certain never was
Thinking close only counts with horseshoes and grenades
Guess I should've seen it coming when it blew up in my face
DAF Oct 2018
If I had one wish

I'd wish you'd never cross my mind again
Not your laughter, lies, or lips

I figure I'd finally feel fine again
DAF May 2020
I don’t wanna die
Though sometimes
I feel like dying
Haven’t felt
In a while
DAF Jul 2023
There’s a journal in the cabinet
Right beside my bed
In it filled are pages
Covered in pencil lead
Scribbled are the things I’d never dare to say
Thoughts that have no voice
Dreams that have no place
DAF Mar 2019
wheres the golden days they spoke about
seem like metallic lies
shiny by the looks of them
still cold to the touch
DAF Apr 2019
i worry
that i worry too much
after all theres likely little i can change
perhaps things would go smoothly if i got out of the way

i worry
that i must worry more
so many beginnings with rotten endings
certainly minding every detail is the only path for recourse
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