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DAF Dec 2020
scratch one thousand poems
never worth the ink
words that once were caramel
no longer quite so sweet
memories of us
that have not aged well
now reside
in the starless part of mind only
i do not visit them any longer
i'd imagine they are lonely
DAF May 21
If I could sleep until tomorrow
Then I’d be fine
But I couldn't be bothered
The way today is designed
Too pish
Too posh
Too easy to slip
Right back to dreamland is my only wish
DAF Jul 2020
Hold my breath til sun sets
Exhaling with the moonrise
DAF Oct 2021
just a shower

bound to pass

though it’s been raining quite a while now.
DAF May 2022
i am my fathers son
though he wasn’t there to raise me
my sins still echo his
my smile fades just as his did once
i am my fathers son
DAF Feb 2021
you can't love someone
into loving you
although most of us will try
one must love themself
enough to know
when certain love must die
DAF Oct 2018
love used to be
lovely and beautiful
now comes the nervousness
trouble for cuticles

broken frames
of pictures we'd take
hearts that break so ill sit here and shake
my head and say na not again
liquor in hand as i nod off to bed

it's times like those that i never feel lonely
til i wake up distressed with no one to console me
i swear that i'm solely devoted to fortys
where once was my heart theres a hole in my chest
my love used to be whole and now its a fifth
DAF Feb 2021
she doesn't like flowers
at least not as romantic gestures
she'd rather
watch them
DAF Oct 2019
While out looking for my sanity

It seems I’ve lost my mind.
DAF Jul 2020
whats money
when you can't buy love
whats love
without reciprocity
DAF May 2022
Dull pencil scratches notebook page
Regret the air that fills my lungs
Not always though
Not before
Not forever
DAF Mar 2020
If only
The line
Between Swimming and Drowning
DAF Mar 2019
i could write a novel filled with thoughts of you
although it sounds cliche
like legends told by fishermen
the one that got away
DAF Jul 2018
I loved you
I say this despite all your lies
Now I write this not for likes
Who feel dead inside
Terrified no longer
Those who wish to stop giving
A ****
          Their breath
To people content with living underwater
Living less then they were meant for
Living under harsh conditions
          Their loves ear
Hoping that their heart would listen.
DAF Aug 14
I didn’t do the dishes
Then I didn’t brush my teeth
Forgot to drain the tub
Stale water sat for weeks
I didnt take the trash out
Bags across the floor
Couldn’t bring myself to anything
Couldnt take it anymore
How *****
How disgusting
How ugly can you get
I’d rot out of existence
Just to get out of this mess
DAF May 2019
Lately I've been checking in on me much less

What once was twenty times a day has dwindled to maybe twice a month

I wonder how I'm doing?
We talk much less myself and I
Its difficult to get the whole picture
Perhaps distance shows progress
Can't hold my hand forever
I worry I should worry more
Just hope it's going well
DAF Sep 2020
I'm a social drinker
I drink whenever I'm around people
Or just prior to a social engagement and right on thru it
I put on a cheerful ruse knowing people will buy it
People are always looking to be sold something
So I sell it
I celebrate.
They celebrate.
We celebrate together.
For a moment in time all is well
Rather all seems well
I'm sure they wouldn't like me if I were sober
More importantly you wouldn't like me if I were sober
I don't like me when I'm sober
Something I wrote a while back. I can now say I'm content with a clear mind
DAF Mar 2020
When someone dies are they forgiven?
Not by some omnipotent being in a white gown
Rather by the ones they have wronged?
Do grudges cease when the last breath is drawn?
If so why?
If so how.
DAF Oct 2020
Another patch of melancholy
This one much longer than the last
DAF Aug 2021
the thoughts
they keep me up
wanting to share
curious about what i think
DAF Oct 2020
Where do the words come from?
Before they pop up in my mind

Where do the words go?
When it seems I've run out of sentences to scribble
DAF Oct 2019
the mind
moves faster than
the hand
that holds
the pen
that's trying to catch up
DAF Jan 2021
I vow to never break from writing
Though my writing may take breaks
For when heart shatters
Momentarily wrists do too
Stayed away
Left pages blank
Spent the time just missing you
DAF Jul 12
Night is young
I am weak
These thoughts are not the first to speak
Drown them out
Slur their speech
Put them there
Just out of reach
DAF Oct 2019
Someday I will no longer be
Content to have a piece
I'll shake from comforts grasp
Play not for fun instead for keeps
Feel my feet upon the pavement
Moving faster then the street
Take hold of every dream I've had
I will finally take the leap
DAF Aug 2021
I've been sleeping with the lights on
Dreams do not show until the early morning
Sometimes not at all.
Yet the days go about without rest
Almost nonchalantly
As if i do not spend my nights
Hoping to catch the eye of a better tomorrow
DAF May 2020
stick around
to blah blah blah
lets chit about the chatter
DAF Mar 2019
i should be sleeping by now
                         yet i'm thinking of you
                                       and what order to put these letters in
                as if maybe i could line them up just so

                   and you’d remember why you loved me
DAF Apr 2020
not meant to be a riddle
though not all will understand
footsteps into fog
soul pointed one direction
DAF Sep 2020
Sola takes her lattes
So late
Solar panels
Fuel the drive
Solstice to solstice
So longs and goodbyes
Come easy on the road
And on the wheels roll
DAF Oct 2018
Waiting on Dopamine
Haven't heard from her in days
Last time we spoke her words to me
"I'm tired of your melancholy ways"
DAF Oct 2019
Eyes open and I’m numb again
Though shut and I can feel
Dreams they say are just pretend
Still I wonder which is real
DAF Jul 2020
lost my head
while searching for
my mind
so wrapped up in seeming well
insanity in vanity
DAF Aug 2020
often i can see the sadness
through the smiles and the jokes
just can't seem to drown
eyes that cry out
DAF Oct 2019
often i can see the sadness
through the smiles and the jokes

laughter can only drown out so much
DAF Sep 2019
If eyes could ****
Like lips can lie
I think that I'd be hypnotized
DAF Jun 2020
i want to make
not only with strings and drums
but with
DAF Feb 2021
sugar i've been sweet to you
why the sour promises?
honey we don't speak at all
how the silence stings
DAF Nov 2021
mutiny has run amok
the pen now takes the reigns
striking paperback with fury
ink pours like blood spills out of vain
too many days to count
the poets bidding has been done
capitalize on opportunity
turned page has now begun
DAF Mar 2019
thought i'd be famous by now
     though i never was exceptional
          thought i'd be better by now
they ask i say i am
DAF Oct 2022
I stole my fathers smile
He would not give it up without a fight
I do not answer when he calls
I know he'd just ask me for it back
DAF Mar 2019
evil can't be beautiful
mistook that as the truth
when all is said and done
i'll look to you as proof
DAF Aug 2020
live today
no telling how much livings left
DAF Dec 2021
I do not want to die
But I feel that if I stay
My time will come
Sooner than expected
A life unlived
What a tragedy
DAF Apr 2019
wonder why i itch to write
when wanters only wander
doers dance a simple step
still i know that most are somber
DAF Oct 2020
if you only write
what others want to hear
you will never know your words
DAF Sep 2022
"i love you. i love you. i love you."
i kept repeating it
as though
if i could just get you to hear me once
maybe you could find the will to fight back

"i love you brother. please stay safe."
if nothing else please stay safe.
for me.
stay safe.
i love you.

but you could not hear me.
Spoke with my brother who relapsed after being sober for 4 years. Trying to reach out or “save” a loved one can cause so much heartache. By far the hardest conversation I’ve ever had
DAF Mar 2019
You used to make me nervous


         But lately my nerves have gone unseen
I don't wonder how you been
And it's visa versa
DAF Apr 2019
You always loved your coffee
Me though not so much
I always loved you
Now I drink three cups a day
DAF Oct 2019
This poison in my cup
Is sure to **** me
But for now
It feels fantastic
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