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 Jun 2014 Cole J
Kiss me until you taste laughter.
I'm not sure I laugh anymore.
I breathe in deeply, and hope that you can't feel me; shaking.
It's been ages since we've showered
I wiped my makeup and all my insecurities away with a warm washcloth.
That night, you barely touched me.
When I hear words, I piece them together and your face appears in front of me.
When you hear me read, you sit in silence.
I'm hoping that you can taste the sweat I wrung out into this page.
That you see my face wrinkle, and my hands covering.
I've been thinking.
Soon. You'll watch the tide go out with me. I'm hoping then & there; you'll say "be mine"
 Jun 2014 Cole J
i s a b e l l a
There's a place
where your heart settles
and your cheeks flush
and you shake with happiness;
and then there's a place
where your heart breaks
and your tears flood
and you shake with terror...
and that place
is with you.
 Jun 2014 Cole J
Life is too short,
friendship too important,
cherish your friends
Friendship is hard hard!
 Jun 2014 Cole J
Blame it on
Your absent father
Your addict mother
Your unexpected children
Blame it on
Anyone, and anything
So you never have to
Take responsibility
For your own actions

It's the whiskey
That hit me
It's my own shards
That tore me apart
It's a malevolent God
That lied about love
'Cause you don't do anything

Blame it on
My fragile psyche
My insecurities
My "impossible" needs
Blame it on
Anyone, and anything
So you never have to
Take responsibility
For what you've done to me

It's the cigarettes
That stole my breath
The weight of my expectations
That broke my trust
The spinning of my own wheels
That drove me into madness
'Cause you don't do anything
Everyone has a **** like this in their life.
 Jun 2014 Cole J
 Jun 2014 Cole J
Once told make good the promises of youth
I said **** that, let's see what this baby can do.
I read grasp by wing the empty sky
Said alright, now I'm flyin'.
Learned take to task the soil of earth
Worked my *** off, now I'm tired.
Overheard Sail by sea tho waves be high
Puked my guts out when I tried.
Preacher man said I should harvest the bounty of friendly ways
Uncle Sam taught me to shoot first and make friends when they are dead.
Poets say love requiting all your days
I've loved and learned a thing or two, then got left blue (can you blame 'em)
Philosophy 101 lesson learned Let age grace you with humility
Marlboro Red says that I'm the hottest cowboy in hell
Life's golden rule Grace this place with your tranquility
I've rocked and rolled my way all through.
One thing I've learned: life can be zen but zen is boring.
Zen's for old age, now's for roaring.

r ~ 6/1/14
   |.    Rockin' in a free world.
  / \
Sure, it'd be nice to walk
Along the shore of the beach
And watch the sun set
With you.

But I'm happy enough to run
In circles around the track
And watch the grass wilt
With you.

Sure, it'd be nice to cuddle
While eating junk food and snacks
And watch a horror movie
With you.

But I'm happy enough to sit
While laughing over your shoulder
And watch funny videos
With you.

Sure, it'd be nice to be
The one whom you call "yours"
And to be loved back
By you.

But I'm happy enough to love
The perfect person you are
And savor the moments I spend
With you.
Although you are oblivious to my love, therefore likely not to feel mutually, your laugh alone is enough to make me smile.
I use to like the sounds of clocks ticking.
It calmed me down.
But then i realized that it's just a constant reminder
that time is running out.
A quote I wrote.
 Jun 2014 Cole J
Forgotten Heart
I still love you
but unfortunately
I lost my self
in the process
of loving you...
Let me search myself inside your sparkling eyes
for I feel I might be lost there
 Jun 2014 Cole J
Etisoppo 10w
 Jun 2014 Cole J
Let's climb that winding stayercase
and never go back down
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