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  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
all of a sudden
i'm walking into a clearing
where my path appears to end

i seem to
know where i am going

without warning
i don't
  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
I dreamed about love
so deep I cried

So beautiful and unattainable
Yet still I tried

I tried to hold on
As long as I could

Yet my dreams are so often
Traveler Tim
  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
You can try to stay away from me
    And me from you
But it is like trying to hold the ocean back from the shore
Eventually you will come crashing into me
I will be covered in you and I am afraid this is how it will always be
In you......
  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
I wish I knew before it was too late
That she was the ****** in a book left unfinished
Because I, the author, had my mind busy writing the wrong story

October 07, 2019
  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
Kimberley Leiser
The times you hear the words
I love you its the typical cliche
they slip out
sometimes casually
think carefully about the
real meaning behind
the words next time you use them
love is shown by actions
doing things for the ones
you care about and not only spoken.
  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
Mike Hauser
How do you know if you can or you can't
If you never give it a try

How do you know if you'll sink or you'll swim
If you never take the dive

How do you know if you will or you won't
If you never give it a thought

How do you know to sing along
If you never choose a song

How do you know the cost of it all
If you're not willing to spend the dime

How do you know to learn from the fall
If you never dare to climb

How do you know how fast love will grow
If you first don't plant the seed

How do you know to come in from the cold
If you never feel the heat

How do you know that now is the time
If you don't keep a watch

How do you know where to find the light
If you're always in the dark

How do you know the jest of it all
If you never care to laugh

How do you know to give it a try
If you never say can but can't
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