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 Aug 2017 Carlyy
fear of failure is what holds me back
every failure leaves a crack
in my self-confidence
making me feel incompetent
 Aug 2017 Carlyy
Sleepy eyes
 Aug 2017 Carlyy
Sleepy eyes
circles the mind
swimming like a whale
in and out of ocean
blowing letters
up into blue sky
to then splash
back into ocean
making twinkles
glisten silvery twinks
just like stars in night sky
oh my days
life as flourished
into a blooming flower
where it survives
all through autumn and winter
and no matter how cold
the earth gets
there is always a light
at the end of a tear
Random write not even sure it makes sense but felt nice when writing it :-)
I use to be so afraid of posting poetry that I not really totally understand myself but I'm okay with that now cause I'm feeling very happy and confident in myself :)
 Aug 2017 Carlyy
 Aug 2017 Carlyy
I remember those
pockets of time
We found to make little adventures in
Beautiful mistakes
And memories
Were made
 Aug 2017 Carlyy
 Aug 2017 Carlyy
There is a place that I go
that exists within my mind.
And when I'm feeling troubled,
I can leave this world behind.

On wings of gossamer
I'll sail in airships made of mist
to sparkling shores of diamond dust
the golden sun has kissed.

There are unicorns with silver horns
and friendly dragons too.
There's griffins, fauns and centaurs
why, it's heaven's petting zoo.

The rain falls gently on my face
from tears the angels shed.
And blessings from The Father fall
like leaves on every head.

I'll swim in lakes of lavender
and also float upon my back.
to see a glittering rainbow there
with no colors does it lack.

There is no evil in this place
no envy, pride or hate.
For if I wish admission there,
I check them at the gate.

I'm kin to every heartbeat
and a soul mate to each star.
And I'm never lost or scared
for He's never very far.

And everyone is family there
the humans and the beasts.
There is no *******.
There's no "greatest" and no "least".

Someday, I'll find thy solitude
and there I shall abide.
And I'll join the souls
that I have missed
upon thy mystic tide.
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