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 Oct 2014 CS Schmidt
 Oct 2014 CS Schmidt
i don't write
to please anyone
i don't write
for attention
i don't write
for compliments
i don't write
to make anyone fall in love with me

i write
because i feel
i write
because i need to
i write
because my mind is too loud
i write
because my mouth is too quiet
 Oct 2014 CS Schmidt
D'Arcy Sahn
I don't wear makeup.
I don't want to.
I don't want a pretty face,
Smiling and nodding,
Lulling you into a false sense of security.

Children are being ****** out by their own parents!
People are being murdered by the officials meant to protect them!
There are people so scared of their emotions they would rather die than confront them!

And you're ****** because I don't meet the beauty standards you adopted from our society?

Everyone is being forced to say sorry
And smile
And giggle
To make themselves and others believe that the superficial problems they face are dire
And that when they solve that they've accomplished something
And that everyone is just swell.

Not me.

I'm more blessed than I'll ever know
More fortunate than I'll ever appreciate and I'll do my best to save everyone,
To fix what is wrong.

So if I become over zealous
And ***** up my face
And disturb you
And force you to reconstruct your worldview
I'm not apologizing

And if you hope to take solace on beauty afterwards
To seek comfort on the familiar
My face still won't be made up
Constructive criticism appreciated
 Oct 2014 CS Schmidt
D'Arcy Sahn
I'm tired of being told
To pick a side
To choose a race
Lest it be chosen by archaic values

I'll not be told I'm ''acting black''
Or that I'm an ''Oreo''
For being my mixed bag self
So I'll start a new race

Race is defined by ******* predetermined factors
But my race will be awesome
It won't be exclusive to
Skin colour
Hair texture
Or eyes
Not the Canadian Race (working title)

Do you live in Canada?
Congratulations, you have now joined a new race!!!
Tired being told to choose a race or get called derogatory terms like
Half Loser?
Join my epic race!!!
Believe in diplomacy, and using violence as a last resort?
Hooray!!! You should join now!
Tired of having your country be used as a cultural punching bag for America?
A pain deeply felt. Welcome to the Canadian Race.

I'm not black.
I'm not white.
I'm Canadian.
Constructive Criticism Appreciated. What do you think about the idea of race? Would you join? I'm curious. Let me know.
I sat on a rock and stared
At her eyes the color of ink
Wondering what she’s seen
When she is ruffled by something
It is literal
A duck’s feathers are easily ruffled
But that is a minor problem
When we are ruffled by life
It can disorient us for months
Sometimes years
Sometimes a lifetime
I wonder what her life has been filled with
She swims and she dives.
She mates to reproduce, never to love and cherish her mate eternally.
The way (some) humans do. Or at least should.
She never suffers emotional trauma.
It would be so much simpler to be a duck.
No monetary worries
No emotional worries
No grudges
Only the concern for survival
I bet she’s never cried
And I have so, so many times.
She spreads her wings and takes flight.
The way I often wish I could.
To escape situations I don’t like.
Just flying away.
Her beautiful russet wings
But I wasn’t born a duck.
I was born a human.
And I can’t spread my wings and fly away.
And somehow
I’m glad.
I’m glad I can hurt
And I can feel
And I can love
And be broken
My main concern is not my own survival
Because I am not a duck
And I am not a coward
And even if I can suffer
What a duck would never have to endure
I can have forever from someone else
And I can become something
An artist
A writer
A dancer
A poet
An inspiration
A lover
A mother
A father
Okay no not a father
But I can make something out of myself
And the duck will always be
Well, a duck.
Also, ducks are NOT YELLOW.
…I needed to express that.

Please repost if you are happy to be human. Unless you are not a human. And if you are not a human, then I am kind of scared. Or if you just feel like reposting. Then you go ahead and do that. Have fun with it. :) woahifoundagrape!
Please comment! I love to read interpretations of my work!
Please repost if you are happy to be human. Unless you are not a human. And if you are not a human, then I am kind of scared. Or if you just feel like reposting. Then you go ahead and do that. Have fun with it. :) woahifoundagrape!
Please comment! I love to read interpretations of my work!
bask in a love that frees
a love like that first ray of sunlight,
after a cold and dark winter.

a love that is freely given and helps us grow,
and not the codependant and addictive love
that binds and controls.

I laugh and dance in the sunlight of God's love
that makes me whole and safe.  
no thing or person can ever take away this freedom,
unless I give it away.
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if water finds its
i want to be


I have an affinity
For these creatures

They are huge
Yet gentle
And their
 Oct 2014 CS Schmidt
I enjoy the perpetual blanket of unrefined cotton clouds snug tight against the night turned day, grey and unrelenting.

There is a thin film layer then
in between ~

     Me.               Myself.        &          Eye.

If I blink real hard and purposeful, I'm sure it would all dissipate....

Pin-popped balloons always do....
Sitting outside. My black leather coat has seamed to have shrunk....
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