College station Texas
Father of prince Castiell , educator student, model, actor , singer , I do it all I'm anything and everything I want to be. "The …
san diego,ca
I love to dance, cheer, sing, play piano, go to church, and write poems. My cousin falen acon inspired me to write poems. Instagram @nikiahevans23 …
North Carolina.
Hello, dear. I'm currently 18, taken, and a recent graduate. I like poetry, obviously, because I can write things out and not keep them in. …
Published a book of children's poems and short stories, ideal for all children ages 3 to 11 depending upon reading ability. Dragons, Pirates, Magic, Witches, …
| My heart is constantly breaking | (My shadow writes here) I am the saddest, kindest, most loving, devouring, hippie being you will ever come …
16.Indian.Crazy.Complicated.Sweet.JaggedThoughts.Confused.Amazing. I'mma big mess with a capital M. I actually suck at writing.but i dont care.i write it for myself,to myself,or maybe anybody who's going …