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Brie Williams Feb 2020
I was good
I was honestly
The best
And you know that
Deep deep
In your soul
You know that
Brie Williams Nov 2020
Beautiful billy
Wish you didn’t have a tag punched through your ear
Wish you weren’t strapped and attached
Wish you weren’t Zooted and booted
Wish you weren’t locked and loaded
But that the path that’s been chosen
Red or blue
Blue or red
Guns twirling and gang signs flying
You’re just another body
Sheet covered
In the street
Brie Williams Nov 2019
My neighbor and I take showers at the same time
I know because his shower wall is next to mine
He hears my shower water flow through the pipes and I hear his at the same time
My neighbor and I only see each other sometimes
I don't think he works
I work all the time
I don't think he does much except shower and get high
And I know he gets high because one time I heard him while I was getting high at the same time
Brie Williams May 2015
I'm here now
And even my best is rotting
I buried myself to my neck
I buried myself vehemently
I watch you crawl
Away and away
Til only the sand you eat
shows on the edge of the world
Brie Williams Apr 2021
You’re calm like the shore line
Always changing though
I’m topsy turvy
Crashing and splashing
Into you
At full speed
Salt burns me
But slaps you harder
Bleeding pores
Close another chapter
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Fan buzz
Dryer tumble
High tide
Low tide
Crash along the shore
I don't love you anymore
Brie Williams Jul 2020
I cry
For you
harvest moon plays
For me
Brie Williams Jan 10
Thank you for looking my way
It was the only compliment I got today
Though I gave 10
To the one paid to love me
Please give me more
I crave your gratuity
Brie Williams Oct 2017
Up and down
The streets of gold
Oh how you must feel
To know that you have gotten old
And made it to the honey fields
I see you've finally found your place
Which of course you've always known
And oh what a relief it was
to get away from home
You wave to us down here
Up in your silver throne
You invite me up
And I have to decline
I'm afraid the ladder just won't hold
If I walk the way you say
Slowly and carefully
All along the way
If I hold every hand tight
If I smile at every bright light
If I twist and turn only at night
Will it constitute a resolution
Brie Williams Mar 2020
Always wanted an affair
Fingers brushing through my hair
Cologne on my clothes
Makeup on your collar
I enjoy
Except the part where you go home
To not my home
You’ll never leave her
I’ll never leave him
But I was born for an affair
Something forbidden
Something that screams you must really want me
Brie Williams Mar 12
And entitled
Making me sick
No humility
No self awareness
Ever persists
Like a plant
that can’t
Dig through the soil
Lay dead
Brie Williams Jan 10
I know that rugs get walked on
Regardless of their cost
Regardless of the time it took the man to weave and wash

I know my will is bending
I’m too tired to make it stop
Earthquake floors from the time I was born
Made me realize my cause is lost

You’re the defense for the offense
White flag you’ve won I’ve not
I’ll go away and build again
And this is where you’re top

I’m just a rug to walk on
A player in a game that won’t stop
I’ve tried my best to defeat it
Now I’d rather just flop
Brie Williams Mar 2020
I talk about *** a lot these days
But I’m getting
From you
Or anyone
Though I could
And I almost did
Last night
With someone new
In their lap
My tongue between their lips split two
Your hands upon my hips
Slide through
For months
I’d have ****** the man I knew
But flop and soft
What did I do?
My hands in your hair
My **** leaking
And you
So hard
So eager
So new
Brie Williams Mar 2020
I like to be tasted by you
And bent into two
Thrown across the room
Legs shaking
You’re cruel
I like to be slapped
And tapped
And told I’m nothing more than trash
I like to be held down
Let down
Laughed at
Not allowed to make a sound
I like the way you pound
Into me
I like the way you make me feel
Brie Williams Sep 2020
Like time
This feeling is always on my mind
Tried to speak to the icy window
I just cried
Oranges cooking on the stove with cinnamon sticks
Warms my heart inside
But at night or when I see him
I fold-I just die
Please walk my heart home tonight
I don’t think I can find my way back to life
I’m not sure if I’m in the wrong or right
I just need to be walked home tonight
Always helpless
When all I needed was help
Or someone selfless
To take an interest me
Or give an ear to me
Don’t need to be watched while I sleep
Some demons moved on or forgot my phone number
So demons can’t call because I don’t want their phone number
You give shots away
Every day
Hoping the bullets never end up strays
Like a dog on the street or a cat in heat
I just keep trying not to lose my mind or any sleep
Brie Williams Feb 2020
On the Southside
It's humid
Even in winter
It has its own air
It's own feel
On the Southside
everything is español
And when trash blows down the street it's illuminated and mystical
They shake your hand and look down your shirt
In the Southside the music is better and the food is cheaper but the nights are colder and feelings feel deeper
I feel like a ***** when I walk through
But I've never felt more at home
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Sliding between my thighs
Should I say no now or later
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Sitting lonely in a tire swing
She looks at you and you look at me
I'm not the type to start crying
So I just look down helplessly
You always thought scrying was going to keep yourself from drying out
Like if you could see far enough
You wouldn't
Have to sweat it out
You're a trigger pulling mad man
Spies on every corner
And you make me want to *****
You make me want to *****
Brie Williams Feb 2020
From the curl of my toes
Since I was 6 years old
This is just culture
This is just a
Rite of passage if you will
Watch me dance
And twirl
I'm your girl
I'm the best girl
Daddy's girl for all but daddy kind of girl
Wash me in the sink
Pound my head against the drain
Until I bleed
Can you see me anymore
Brie Williams Dec 2019
Sitting on the edge of the bed
Time moving forward and back
I wish I had an off switch
Watching the door move by itself
Watching the mirror look around for help
All I know is the clock on the wall moves too slow
Am I still sitting
Choking on my saliva
Laying on a pile of coats
And my best friends are the objects in the room
The only ones going through this too
The only ones who really understand how hard I'm trying to get my brain back in my head
Brie Williams Oct 2021
Getting older I find myself cursing less
Drinking less
Crying more
Sighing more
Groaning more
Watch how you speak to me mentality is what I carry with me my in pocket
Feels warm
Brie Williams Mar 2023
Split from the root of an ivy
Your past flows through me too
Deep black ink sinking into me
from my brain
to my shoes
Brie Williams Mar 2022
Sun rays bouncing off the water
A blur like a sleepy I don’t want to get up yet morning
Cold legs
Warm shoulders
Left right
Left right
And I’m tired
Hanging on the side
Head on my shoulders
Skin wrinkled tight
Backstroke to when the sun was high
Brie Williams Oct 2020
“Don’t lay your pearls before swine”
But who else do I know
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Why tangerine?
Because it's the glow of your smile
It engulfs you
It warms you
It creates a flow around you that only I can taste
My baby
So sweet
And a tongue for you and a tongue for me
Licking sweet treats til each other bleeds
I miss you so
Brie Williams Jan 10
Looking at you
A puddle of bored
A restless of sad
A happyless shade of i wish I could
Still and calm
Pebbles inside
Piercing my heels
Brie Williams Mar 2021
Cold ham on the table. Its Wednesday night. He got in just a little late. 5:35. She doesn’t say where have you been? She doesn’t notice the time. How was your day is the only thing shell say. Because shes trained. You see, in the south and oh don’t I know this will be an argument, “Oklahoma ain’t the south, it’s the Midwest!” I don’t want to argue about where Oklahoma is geographically located. The south is a place beyond the Mississippi river or the Ozarks. The south is getting beat for not lying and screamed at for not smiling. Nothing, a warm afternoon on the front porch wont fix. Well the ham might be cold but not as cold as the iced tea that I waited to make until I heard the car door slam. Placed on the table by his plate, it sits and waits. Now here am i. skin and bone, a kerosene lit by hate inside my eyes waiting to eat not much but some so maybe one day ill be as thin as my mother. But how can I ever be as thin as my mother when all she eats is a glass of carrot and apple juice every day at 4. 11 years old but I cant fit that xsmall dress that dad  bought mom for their anniversary at the central mall. Maybe because im a B cup, almost a c cup. Mom gets jealous of all of me except my thighs.
Brie Williams Feb 2020
The lion tamer tames lions
He beats the soul until it bleeds
He drinks the blood until he's full
So full he could *****
But he does not
The lion tamer sees sharp claws
He draws them out and peels them off
He cracks his whip until it snaps
And still the lion comes crawling back
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Whirling around
The sound
Of the interstate
Muffles out the train
Pouring through my bathroom vent
The roar
The time for work sound
The I never would've thought it was you
It's always you
And when I think of you
You appear
And I really do want you
Because you want me
Brie Williams Feb 2020
So wet
Are my thighs
After talking to you
All afternoon
And night
And even as
Repulsive as I find you
I can't help but ***
Upon hearing your name
Brie Williams Aug 2015
I know the greats don't use click bait or even know what that is. I drank my best friend. It left us both dry. Now I've been branded. It's my choice. You have a hold on my soul. I'll never tell you so. He thinks I'm a **** and you think I'm gold. I think I'm neither but what do I know
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Drinking big blood afternoon
I saw you put your puzzle in the oven
I’d like to take that weight from you
Find my number in the coven
Take the electronic air
Rub it on your chest
Green pastures blue fields
And still I’m not impressed
Brie Williams Jan 11
Thank you for leaning in
It validated my feelings some
It validated what I think your feelings are
But I won’t ever know
Brie Williams Jan 2018
I don't get to **** up
And when I do
You don't see it
I fall in line
And you think what a weak coward
Lost in the cacophony of the insecure
Jaded and torn
And did you know I'm better than her
And you carry a badge with you that says
I'm one of you
******* and your coconut milk lattes
Pretentious over weight girl with abusive boyfriend
Brie Williams Jan 14
Looked down on
You had to climb a ladder
A superficial evaluation
Nevertheless made me cry
My soul that’s yet had a chance to rest
But still it made me cry
I do not want to be good
My heart and mind always fight
I make myself be good
At least I try to try
It’s ******* days like this
When you tear down something I worked so hard to build
But at least the bricks made from clock ticks
Will go to good use
Brie Williams Mar 2022
Seeing you again
Put me back to a time and place
Made me spin
Dress twirling
Hair flowing
Seeing you again
Made me whole inside
Made me dance when I stepped
Getting lost in your eyes
Throwing away my pride
To see you again
Beaten down like a path full of powdery dirt with lumps and holes throughout the earth
Quiet now because age has laid its hand on my head and told me to rest
Still angry
In my heart
In my soul
Watching and reading a life wading in a brook
Brie Williams Apr 2023
Lights off
Door closed
Head on desk
Brie Williams Jan 2020
Talking to my self again
I know you're not that knew to me
I can see through all 4 doors
Not looking right threw my windows
I have seen you cry alot tonight
I've never felt so bored
But now I hear the train
And I can't sleep
Toss and turn
My brains too weak
Walking home
I hit the floor
I can't feel my bones anymore
Brie Williams Aug 2015
I lay here
I'm sad
I hate you
You know I do
You know why
I'm lonely again
Just like you said I would be
You were right
What can I do
I suppose I'm just a ****
All those words dipped in honey meant nothing
I knew they didn't
I know they don't
But they tasted sweet on my dry lips
Sometimes I wish I could taste again
Just a little
But what good is that
I hate you
You know I do
I'm alone in a field of sound
It doesn't matter
There is no one I value
There is no one who values me
You were right
I'm bored and lonely again
Brie Williams Aug 2015
I just want to tell you that I miss you and I think you're great and there's no one else I'd rather spend the entire night crying my eyes out over than you. But  I don't walk backwards as easily as you so I'll just stay where I am.

Love sometimes,
Brie Williams Sep 2020
Red river keeps finding his way back between my thighs
Yes, I know it’s a guy
Because there’s  laughter when the chunky parts shake on my thighs
did I wait too long
Am I really dry?
Is it bad to want, if even just out of spite?
I was hoping I could just go
It wouldn’t take too long to just know
It could come crawling out my heart like you crawled into my soul
But instead I just get told no
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Your head between my thighs
Your tongue between my lips
Knees squeezing your shoulders tight
I could get used to this
Brie Williams Mar 2018
I remember when
You picked at your face
And I didn't realize
You were doing what I was feeling
And if I had known that it might help
I would have done it too
You and I are rare in this world created by you
We feel and think
But now you're gone
And I'm still here
Picking at my face
Like you used to do
Brie Williams Jan 11
Your cursive outlines the scratch of my pen
Which scribbles through my brain an ideal life of us together but my gestures remain in vain because you won’t give in
Brie Williams Oct 2017
To the girl who stays up weeping,

   I hope you find some rest. I hope you wake up to the sun's warm rays and feel it's slight caress. I hope you don't remember a thing that made you cry the night before. Of course you will though. You always do. I know you'll stay up weeping, tomorrow night too. It would be strange if you didn't. No, you don't need pills. Well you do. But you don't. Don't. And when you wake up the next day- I hope you forget the night before-again. Even for a minute or two.
Brie Williams Mar 25
Was this always
Where you kept me
In a bottle
On a shelf
With your anger
And your boredom
Just part of your mental health
Is this always
How you’ll leave me
Gasping for breath
If this is too far out of your depth
Swim back to shore now
That’s your best bet
If you feel like you might die
Go ahead
Hold your breath
Go with the tide
You pulled your boat to my Thunder
I took my storm to the sea
I have an ocean left to plunder
If you’ll lay down in front of me

It took me seven months without you
To see what we could’ve been
And if I’m around you much longer
I feel temptation giving in

It’s not the smile
Or brightened eyes
It’s not the hand
Between my thighs
With you I dream about a calm
With you I dream and dream is all
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