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 Jan 2020 Blade Maiden
I ripped my heart out
then put it on your silver platter
and all you can say is
“ I’ll text you later .”
I guess this is how heartbreak goes for some people.
Actions speak louder than words,
You wonder why I'm speechless.
 Jan 2020 Blade Maiden
Cold nights and frost bites
Make me want some cuddle fights
My heart feels colder
 Jan 2020 Blade Maiden
Move like little bells
leaves in the wind
blown, plucked

bend aside, participate
shake the trunk
dance on clubfeet

stamp the beat
sway my hair around
pose and ruckle

with the smallest branches
and slightly ruffle
my carrot heels
“Toccare” (“Touch”, 1979, Ton Bruynèl)

Collection “org anp ark” #64
 Jan 2020 Blade Maiden
Deception sought to beckon
in the shadows,
but only the fooled believe
in the trickery of darkness.

For it's a fragile bridge
from dusk to dawn.

© Qwey.ku
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