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Long long ago, i used to think
Words hung on the trees,
along with the leaves
To handpick them and use, as and when
easy, it would be

Drenched in the storms of my anger
The words grew bitter and brittle
The winds blew away the right ones
Harder i tried, farther they flew
Left with few and later none
Lost I did feel, with not a word
that could heal

Rooted in me
The words
They were always there
Took me a while
To finally find

Weathering all storms
Calming the seas
Bearing the fruits
The words alive
Sweetened and pruned
To anger, immune
Very old thoughts, found words, alive
Brilliance is something
we all possess “IT”
So is darkness.
The brilliance
of darkness
Is to roam
freely  inside you
And In your solace
your generosity
It’ll Turns off
all lights and try
To deceive you
In believing
you’re living
once more
What a prison
to live once more

so is the brilliance of God
It’ll shine his light
within every crack
Of your soul that
darkness were
too lazy to sealed
And with his light
shining through
What a blessings
to die inside
To burn the worst
part of yourself
And rise again
from your own ashes
From your own despair
and rise once more
Stronger.... brighter.....
forevermore beautiful
inside and out ....
and born anew !
Love has been on this
planet for long,
We should not own
it as ours,

It's a feeling on
the earth,
From time beyond
and bygone,

Love resonates in flowers,
trees and animals,
In Sun, Moon,
Sky and Sea,

Love shines in
Venus and Mars,
In beauty of rocks,
River and breeze,

Love has been on this planet
before me and you were born,

Don't judge it,
Don't name it,
Don't bracket it,
Don't command it,
Don't demand it,


Sparkle In Wisdom
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
This..our true Lens
Has been shaded by
Life-long beliefs and
A lens of separation
Depicting subject and object
Whole and parts
Good and bad
Seems to be our perception..

In pockets of history
There are those who
Have always known the
Availability of the Lens
But most of us..alas
Have not inquired
On how this Lens
Might be recognized..

We are cautioned that
Such Recognition is the
Only path to Freedom...
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
He is a child who covers his eyes with peep-hole hands and thinks himself unseen; he talks softly when the multitude shouts out loud, and hums sweet tunes to
block the trembling arpeggios and clashing riffs of humanity in discord.
He is overwhelmed by the silence of life's unspoken words.
He is a listener who also has something to say.
He sees into the hearts of men.
Will you let him

if you will, Shy,
of what lies within the hearts
of men - unspoken thoughts and peep-hole
tremblings - the whole of life’s silent and unseen somethings.
Softly now; block out the discordant shouts of the clashing multitude.
Close your sweet eyes and listen to those tuneful arpeggios and undercover
riffs. Talk to me. Can you hear the sweet sound of humanity humming out loud?

‘My feelings are too loud for words and too shy for the world.
- Dejan Stojanovic
love washed over me
an ocean of emotion
providing a shore
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
This may sound strange
But in my past life
She was my man
I was his wife
He beat my ***
In front of his parish
Bible in hand
He exorcised
Me with his he man
I had a demon
That wanted to live
He had a god
Who refused to forgive

.This time around
I am the man
Upon her being
I won't lay a hand
But she's still that entity
Who for some reason believes
There still a demon
Deep inside me
Two parts of a whole
Continue to roll
Out of control
Traveler Tim
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
But, but
I am crazy
You see what
You want to see
There's no mercy
No not for me
All the double
Are meant
To deceive
Craziness Travails
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
You Are
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
On the edge of sleep you are the moon
suspended in a midnight sky
shining among all the stars in heaven
A ’twinkling in your eyes

You are my Sunday morning
sharing skin between the sheets
And lazy afternoons
That leave me full, complete

You are a life long journey
A path that leads me home
A fire to stir my passion
The only one I’ve known

You’re whispers in my coffee
Sweet echoes are my cream
You‘re the rage of lustful yearnings
In my silent movie screams

Just like a speckled puppy
You bring me youthful joy
Like a candy coated confection
That leaves me wanting more

You burn with fire and flame
That robs me of my sight
You’re everything I long for
An ageless guiding light

You are a timeless vessel, dear
The maker of my sighs
A keeper of my secrets
The flame I can’t deny

You are that haunting melody
Rewinding in my head
A bold and tasty morsel
That keeps my hunger fed

In dreams
you are the moon, love
Sweet whispers in the night
You settle on my pillowslip
To make all my wrongs seem right

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