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 Mar 2014 BaileyBuckels
 Mar 2014 BaileyBuckels
There is always legend in pursuing endlessly
in refusing to see bad, in rescuing the damsel
"she doesn't love you now but she will if you just..."
Maybe I should stay by her side
and wait for millions of years
until we're both fossils
and no one remembers our names.
There is no romanticism in giving up.
...but you always were a realist,
and you've changed me more than I'd like to admit.
I met him at a party
The late night buzz and low lights
The blaring music and loose dancing
All shrouded in a fog of assorted drugs.
I met him at a party,
And he wrote his 10 numbers
On the back of my small hand.
I remember his smirk and
the way he said Call me.
He disappeared into the fog,
and is still awaiting a call
from that girl he met at a party.

It was late when I stumbled home,
Pepermint gum trying to hide
the harsh alcohol in my breath.
I came home and saw his number,
and for some reason,
thought it was yours.
I crawled through the haze of my house,
trying to find my room, my bed.
I snaked under the blankets,
and for some reason,
thought you were laying beside me.
I've never slept so soundly in my life.

By morning, my parents are asking questions,
but all I can see is his number on my hand.
I thought to myself
Now's my chance to start over,
to love someone new,
to forget the past.

I cried --
for joy or sadness, I'll never know.
Those tears fell onto his number,
and with a flick of my thumb,
it was gone.
 Mar 2014 BaileyBuckels
at age five,
her bath is full of bubbles
and happiness.
yellow ducks floating
on the surface,
make her young soul

at age ten,
her bath is not
full of bubbles.
she does not take baths
she showers now,
because it's faster,
and forgettable,
just like life should be.

at age fifteen,
her bath is not full of bubbles,
but now, she sits in the tub,
only dull water surrounding
her body.
on the surface there
are no more yellow ducks,
they are now replaced by flowers,
which are ripped out from the hard ground along with the root,
*just like she was ripped
out from her silly dream,
along with her insane mind.
and she lived her miserable life,
just like this,
just how she did now.
The road is
Wet and cold
The rain falls down like
Dark tears
The scars of
Your beautiful face
Made me cry
You rest your
Tired head
In my arms
As your frame
Falls still
I lower my head
Close my eyes
I call out
In despair
I am forever
Trapped in this hell
Without you
So listen now
To my love
An undying truth
Fades away in
The rain
I was captive in the dark
Which held me from you
And tantalized my mind
You fell apart
As you saved me
But oh woe
The cost was
Too high
I dug you
A rememberance
Of our past and future
And I simply limp away
And I become engulfed
By the dark shadows
Once again
wrote it after gf dumped me
 Mar 2014 BaileyBuckels
Josh Hall
Look at the torches and lighters while they wave.
Do you ever care about the darkness they'd make?
Or about the light that they take?
The shadows shake,
To hear the questions asked by romantic's prey.
No my ****** up friend,
It's another question asked due to my actions,
Because you needed help and I led you astray!
You were a victim of the knife with which I play!
Answer me a question!
Would God ask for your soul to steal?
What about your skin to peel?
And I'll keep saying,
I'm sorry I could not conclude,
Did not mean to be rude,
I was distracted by all of these terms and conditions,
All the questions they all ask of me,
And I don't deal well with authority.
Truth be told I think we're meant to ask questions,
So that we may hide in our answers!
So here is a question:
Do questions die?
This one took a lot out of me, I need a nap. And you all should listen to "Youth Is Wasted On the Young"- Architects
 Mar 2014 BaileyBuckels
and i wish i knew
how to love you
 Mar 2014 BaileyBuckels
sometimes you're like homework
so confusing
and i just stare at you
hating you
yet you're important to me
it's so hard to finish you
and i lose inspiration every now and then
but when i get high as my grades
i come running back to you

i can't wait to graduate from school
get rid of this infatuation
we would be adults by then
and hopefully this mess will be sorted out
Never too busy for you.
Birthday plans?
Please come to me... Unknown.
Want you in a cake, as you are the perfect surprise.
Would've loved to feed you. Cherished the opportunity...
It passed.
In the end; you were sweeter and tasted better than any cake ever consumed.
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