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Aug 2017 · 176
BR Belle Aug 2017
You know that feeling ...
That you get when you know your falling
And for some reason you try to hold on to something as your going down
But a part of you
Wants to keep falling to see what the end will look like
And once you’ve decided
You fall either way
Because you were only falling in love.
I don’t know how I feel about this or how I feel rn I’m sorry if it’s messing
BR Belle Aug 2017
To love
Is to light a candle in a dark room
And never
Forgetting to light it
Once it goes dark.
Aug 2017 · 121
6 feet above
BR Belle Aug 2017
He's just like a wave
Dangerous and cool
just like every other dude
dark secrets hidden in the deep blue
none rise beneath the waves
you search for the calm
going deeper and deeper
till you no longer feel the sand
touching you're feet
one thing about him

he'd forsure drown you...
#boy #girl #love #metaphors #scared #risky #dangerous #cool
Aug 2017 · 129
night of the comet
BR Belle Aug 2017
She was like a flash beam
So rare and out of sight
A blink of an eye
And you’d miss her
She had the baddest intentions
With the brightest ideas
But she was gone
Even before I knew it .
#girl #gone #dissapeared#loveseeking
Jul 2017 · 241
BR Belle Jul 2017
You shift and turn through the night
Sweat and screams you left behind
You moved and scoffed as you hide
You were safe but he was was still chasing you in your mind.
this is my very first published poem I'm sorry if its bad .

— The End —